The Experimentrics
Datganiad i'r Wasg | Press Release
Mae’r Pafiliwn Gwyddoniaeth yn un o’r pafiliynau mwyaf poblogaidd ar faes yr Eisteddfod, pob blwyddyn ers pum mlynedd bellach mae dros 25,000 o ymwelwyr yn dod trwy’r drysau.
Prif amcan y Pafiliwn yw hyrwyddo STEM (Gwyddoniaeth, Technoleg, Peirianneg a Mathemateg) i bobl Cymru.
Prif Amcanion:
Cydweithio gyda Sefydliadau Addysg Uwch, Cynghorau Ymchwil, Cymunedau, Cymdeithasau, Llywodraeth Cymru, Sefydliadau Proffesiynol ac y Sector Preifat i drefnu Pafiliwn Gwyddoniaeth a Thechnoleg llwyddiannus i hyrwyddo STEM
Hybu dealltwriaeth y cyhoedd mewn STEM, yn enwedig teuluoedd
I ysgogi diddordeb mewn STEM, boed yn blentyn neu oedolyn, a hynny yn Gymraeg neu yn ddwyieithog
Ysgogi ieuenctid i ystyried gyrfaoedd mewn STEM ac i ystyried Addysg Uwch yn y meysydd hynny.
I gefnogi Cwricwlwm Ysgol ac i ysgogi cymhelliant a dyhead disgyblion Cynradd ac Uwchradd mewn STEM, ac o ganlyniad gwella cyrhaeddiad
The Science and Technology Pavilion is one of the most popular pavilions on the Eisteddfod Maes. Every year for the past five years, over 25,000 people have come through the doors.
The main aim of the Pavilion is to promote STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Maths) to the people of Wales.
Main aims:
Work with HE institutions, Research Councils, Communities, Societies, Welsh Government, Professional Establishments and the Private Sector to organise a successful Science and Technology Pavilion to promote STEM
Promote the understanding of STEM to the public, and especially to families
To stimulate interest in STEM amongst children and adults, in Welsh or bilingually
To motivate young people to consider careers in STEM and to consider degree courses in these subjects
To support the School Curriculum and to encourage motivation and the aspirations of primary and secondary pupils in STEM, and therefore to improve achievement
To make Science inclusive and accessible to all
The Institute of Physics, Wales have limited places for an exciting opportunity for schools to support the teaching of Physics in Welsh schools. Partner Schools benefit from needs analysis, CPD for teachers and a range of pupil support activities. If your school is interested please email
Stimulating Physics Network in Wales seeks Partner Schools
We are looking for schools to register for our Lab in a Lorry programme. Lab in a Lorry is a mobile lab that gives young people the chance to explore science through hands-on experiments. You can register interest for the Lab online and we will assess suitability (i.e. access for the Lorry and volunteer availability).
Lab in a Lorry Touring Wales
This is a new competition brought to you by BP, The Science Museum and STEMET; they are asking teams of 2 to 4 students aged 11 to 14 from across the UK to put their STEM skills to the test. The deadline for entry is 15 January 2016.
The Ultimate STEM Challenge
Carol Vorderman gael rôl newydd ar fwrdd y cyfarwyddwyr ar gyfer addysg gwyddor y gofod
Carol Vorderman lands role on board of directors for space science education
As a qualified pilot it's no secret that she is a fan of flying.
But taking her ambitions to travel around the world to new heights, Carol Vorderman has landed a role promoting space science education. Carol's new calling will see her seated on the board of directors of the Challenger Centre for Space Science Education, which was created after the Space Shuttle Challenger disaster 29 years ago.
Working alongside astronauts and spaceflight companies, Vorderman will help to carrying on the legacy of the seven crew members who were killed when their space shuttle broke apart 73 seconds after take off.
Speaking about her newest challenge, Carol said: 'I'm thrilled and honoured to have been voted onto the board of this amazing organisation and I and can't wait to get fully involved.
'To encourage children into science and engineering has been one of my passions for decades.'
She continued: 'The opportunities for children that the Challenger centres provide is excellent. Space holds a massive fascination for everyone, whatever age, whatever background.'
Vorderman, who is also ambassador for more than 50,000 RAF Air Cadets, added: 'Working with our wonderful RAF Air Cadets is an utter privilege. They never fail to impress. 'To be able to link our children with the amazing work of the Challenger centres and hopefully to be able to provide them with further opportunities in the area of space careers, is incredibly exciting.'
F1 llawenydd ar gyfer y tîm i gyd-ferch
Mae tîm ysgol o ferched- yn- unig Fformiwla 1 wedi cael ei goroni fel pencampwyr Cymru.
Hefyd fe gododd Tîm Tachyon - sy'n cynnwys pobl ifanc o Ysgol Uwchradd Dinbych – wobr FIA am gampau moduron, sy’n eu gwneud yn dîm benywaidd cryfaf swyddogol y DU.
Mae eu llwyddiant wedi arwain at iddynt gael eu gwahodd i gynrychioli Cymru yn rowndiau terfynol y byd, sydd i'w gynnal yn Singapore ym mis Medi, i gyd-daro â Grand Prix Singapore.
Bydd timau llwyddiannus yn cael taith tywys o gwmpas y ‘pitiau’ yn y Grand Prix lle gall seddi rhes flaen gostio hyd at £ 20,000.
Mae’r her yn golygu dylunio, gwneud, a phrofi car F1 bach, sydd wedyn yn cael ei rasio dros 20 metr wedi ei yrru gan nwy carbon deuocsid. Mae’n rhaid i’r tîm greu strategaeth brandio a marchnata,rhoi cyflwyniad 10 munud i arbenigwyr o’r diwydiant a chreu arddangosfa ‘pit’ cyflawn fydd yn cael ei feirniadu gan dîm o arbenigwyr o F1 mewn Ysgolion.
Roedd y merched, sydd i gyd o Flwyddyn 9 - bum mlynedd yn iau na llawer o'r gystadleuaeth - wedi gwneud 'yn eithriadol o dda i symud ymlaen i'r camau olaf' meddai’r athrawes Alex Price.
Yr amser olaf am y car o Gymru, a arweiniodd y maes ar gyfer y rhan fwyaf o'r diwrnod, oedd 1.107 sydd ond 1 rhan o ddeg o eiliad oddi ar amser record y byd.
F1 joy for all-girl team
An all-girl Formula 1 schools team has been crowned as Welsh champions.
Team Tachyon – made up of youngsters from Denbigh High School – also picked up the FIA Women in Motorsports award, officially making them the UK’s strongest female team.
Their success has led to them being invited to represent Wales at the world finals, due to be held in Singapore in September, coinciding with the Singapore Grand Prix.
Successful teams will get guided tours of the pits at the Grand Prix where front row seats can fetch upwards of £20,000.
The challenge involves designing making and testing a miniature F1 car, which is then raced over 20mts propelled by carbon dioxide gas. The team also has to create a branding and marketing strategy, give a 10-minute presentation to industry experts and create a full pit display to be judged by the F1 in Schools team of experts.
The girls, who are all Year 9 – five years younger than many of the competition – have done ‘exceptionally well to progress to the final stages’ said teacher Alex Price.
The final time of the Welsh car, which led the field for most of the day was 1.107 which is only 1 tenth of a second off the world record time.
Mae’r gwyddonydd a’r seren deledu Yr Athro Brian Cox wedi
gwneud llw i “helpu newid canfyddiadau am wyddoniaeth” fel
deilydd swydd newydd gyda’r Gymdeithas Frenhinol sydd â’r
bwriad o ymgysylltu â’r cyhoedd.
TV star scientist Professor Brian Cox has pledged to "help
change the perception of science" as the holder of a new
Royal Society post aimed at engaging with the public.
Dywedodd fod angen trawsnewid diwylliannol os oedd y DU i wneud yn fawr o’i photensial gwyddonol blaenllaw a chystadlu ar lwyfan y byd.
Cyferbynnodd yr athro’r canfyddiad cyffredinol fod gwyddoniaeth yn sbardun allweddol ar gyfer tyfiant economaidd gyda’r ffaith bod y DU yn buddsoddi llai o’i chynnyrch domestig gros (GDP) ar ymchwil na llawer o wledydd eraill.
Yn siarad fel rhan o’i rôl fel Athro Ymgysylltu’r Cyhoedd â Gwyddoniaeth cyntaf y Gymdeithas Frenhinol, dywedodd: “Rydym yn ffodus fod gennym yr holl gydrannau i wneud Prydain yn fan gorau’r byd ar gyfer gwneud gwyddoniaeth: prifysgolion ymchwil ac addysgu byd-enwog, labordai a chyfleusterau cenedlaethol a sefydliadau pwerus o fri fel y Gymdeithas Frenhinol.
“Mae’n rhyfedd, felly, ein bod yn buddsoddi'n sylweddol llai mewn ymchwil gwyddonol nag ein prif gystadleuwyr: mae'r DU yn buddsoddi 1.8 y cant o'i GDP; UDA 2.7 y cant; Yr Almaen 2.8 y cant; De Corea 4 y cant. Rhan o’r rheswm yw nad yw gwyddoniaeth yma’n derbyn yr un bri diwylliannol ag y mae’n gwneud yn rhyngwladol.”
Dywedodd ei fod eisiau defnyddio ei swydd newydd i “helpu newid canfyddiadau am wyddoniaeth.”
“Rydw i eisiau gweld ein sefydliadau diwylliannol a gwyddonol mawr – y prifysgolion, y cymdeithasau dysgedig, amgueddfeydd, ysgolion, y BBC – yn gweithio gyda’i gilydd i godi proffil diwylliannol a gwleidyddol gwyddoniaeth, ymchwil ac addysg”, dywedodd.
“Rydw i eisiau gweld ein buddsoddiad mewn gwyddoniaeth, ac yn enwedig mewn gwyddonwyr ifanc, yn codi i'r un lefel neu’r tu hwnt i’n cystadleuwyr.
“Rydw i’n credu’n angerddol y gall gwyddoniaeth fod yn gyfrwng ar gyfer ailddosbarthu cyfle o fewn ein cymdeithas, yn ogystal â bod yn sbardun ar gyfer tyfiant economaidd.
Dywedodd y ffisegwr Prifysgol Manceinion a’r cyflwynydd teledu ei fod yn mynd i edrych ar sut y gall y Gymdeithas Frenhinol ysbrydoli athrawon a myfyrwyr i roi iddynt “blas o’r hwyl sydd i'w gael wrth roi bywyd i wyddoniaeth”.
Fel rhan o’r rhaglen, bydd yn gweithio gyda phartneriaid ar hyd a lled maes gwyddoniaeth a gyda sefydliadau fel y BBC.
Dywedodd Sir Paul Nurse, llywydd y Gymdeithas Frenhinol: “Adeiladwyd Prydain gan wyddoniaeth a pheirianneg yn ystod y chwyldro diwydiannol ac mae angen i ni ailddarganfod yr angerdd hwnnw at arloesi ym mhob rhan o’r gymdeithas.”
Mae'r Athro Cox, a oedd yn chwarae’r allweddell yn y grŵp pop D.Ream yn ystod yr 1990au, wedi cyflwyno nifer o raglenni ar gyfer teledu a radio’r BBC.
He said a cultural transformation was needed if the UK was to make the most of its world-leading scientific potential and compete on the world stage.
The professor contrasted the general view that science was a key driver of economic growth with the fact that the UK invests less of its Gross Domestic Product (GDP) on research than many other countries.
Speaking in his role as the Royal Society’s first Professor for Public Engagement in Science, he said: “We are fortunate to have in place all the components to make Britain the best place in the world to do science; world-leading research and teaching universities, national laboratories and facilities and powerful and prestigious institutions like the Royal Society.
“It is strange, therefore, that we invest significantly less in scientific research than our major competitors; the UK invests 1.8 per cent of GDP; USA 2.7 per cent; Germany 2.8 per cent; South Korea 4 per cent. Part of the reason is that science is not held in the same high regard culturally as it is internationally.
He said he wanted to use his new position to “help change the perception of science”.
“I want to see our great cultural and scientific institutions – the universities, the learned societies, museums, schools, the BBC – work together to raise the cultural and political profile of science, research and education”, he said.
“I want to see our investment in science, and particularly in young scientists, rise to levels at or beyond our competitors.
“I passionately believe that science can be a vehicle for the redistribution of opportunity in our society as well as a driver for economic growth.
The University of Manchester physicist and TV presenter said he will be looking at how the Royal Society can inspire teachers and students to give them a “flavour of the fun that can be had bringing science to life”.
As part of the programme, he will be working with partners across science and with organisations such as the BBC.
Sir Paul Nurse, president of the Royal Society said: “Britain was built by science and engineering during the industrial revolution and we need to rediscover that passion for innovation in all parts of society”.
Prof Cox, a keyboard player in the pop group D.Ream during the 1990s, has presented numerous programmes for BBC television and radio.