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Cyngor Ysgolion

Schools Council


  1. Hwb - Dysgu ac addysgu i Gymru - Cwricwlwm Cymru ac offer a deunyddiau addysgol am ddim / Learning and teaching for Wales - the Curriculum for Wales and free educational tools and materials

  2. Meic - gwasanaeth llinell gymorth i blant a phobl ifanc hyd at 25 oed yng Nghymru / helpline service for children and young people up to the age of 25 in Wales

  3. SchoolBeat - Heddlu'n diogelu plant Cymru trwy addysg atal troseddu / Police safeguarding the children of Wales through crime prevention education

  4. Llais Disgyblion Cymru / Pupil Voice Wales - creu amgylchedd addysgol cynhyrchiol, rhaid clywed llais disgyblion / create a productive educational environment, pupils’ voice has to be heard

  5. Dangos i Hiliaeth y Cerdyn Coch / Show Racism the Red Card - prif elusen addysgol gwrth-hiliaeth y DU, gan ddarparu gweithdai addysgol, sesiynau hyfforddi, pecynnau amlgyfrwng, a llu o adnoddau eraill, i gyd gyda'r diben o fynd i'r afael â hiliaeth mewn cymdeithas / the UK's leading anti-racism educational charity, providing educational workshops, training sessions, multimedia packages, and a whole host of other resources, all with the purpose of tackling racism in society

  6. Gyrfa Cymru | Careers Wales - Gwybodaeth a chyngor gyrfaoedd am ddim i bobl ifanc, oedolion, rhieni, cyflogwyr a phobl broffesiynol yng Nghymru troseddu / Free careers information and advice for young people, adults, parents, employers and professionals in Wales

  7. Senedd Ieuenctid Cymru | Welsh Youth Parliament - grymuso pobl ifanc i wneud penderfyniadau, a rhoi llais iddynt yng ngwleidyddiaeth Cymru / to empower young people to make decisions, and to provide them with a voice in Welsh politics

  8. Comisiynydd Plant Cymru / Children’s Commissioner for Wales - hyrwyddo hawliau plant a phobl ifanc yng Nghymru / championing the rights of children and young people in Wales

  9. NSPCC - prif elusen plant y DU, atal camdriniaeth a helpu'r rhai yr effeithir arnynt i wella / the UK's leading children's charity, preventing abuse and helping those affected to recover

  10. Thinkuknow - Rhaglen addysg sy'n amddiffyn plant ar-lein neu oddi ar-lein / Education programme which protects children both online and offline

  11. BBC OWN IT

  12. BBC Newsround - straeon newyddion ac erthyglau eraill o ddiddordeb i gynulleidfaoedd ifanc / news stories and other articles of interest to young audiences

  13. BBC Press Office - Gwybodaeth i newyddiadurwyr, blogwyr a sylwebyddion ar-lein gan gynnwys y newyddion diweddaraf am y BBC, pecynnau cyfryngau a gwybodaeth am raglenni / Information for journalists, bloggers and online commentators including latest news about the BBC, media packs and programme information

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