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  1. Gyrfa Cymru | Careers Wales - Gwybodaeth a chyngor gyrfaoedd am ddim i bobl ifanc, oedolion, rhieni, cyflogwyr a phobl broffesiynol yng Nghymru troseddu / Free careers information and advice for young people, adults, parents, employers and professionals in Wales

  2. Menter Ifanc Gogledd Cymru / Young Enterprise North Wales - gweithio mewn partneriaeth ag ysgolion, busnesau a gwirfoddolwyr lleol i ysbrydoli a pharatoi miloedd o bobl ifanc bob blwyddyn i ddysgu a llwyddo drwy fenter / working in partnership with local schools, businesses and volunteers to inspire and equip thousands of young people each year to learn and succeed through enterprise

  3. Y Criw Mentrus | The Enterprise Troopers - cystadleuaeth flynyddol mewn ysgolion cynradd cenedlaethol yng Nghymru, gyda'r nod o ysbrydoli plant i ddysgu sgiliau busnes a meithrin ysbryd entrepreneuraidd / an annual national primary school competition in Wales, aimed at inspiring children to learn business skills and fostering an entrepreneurial spirit

  4. F1 in Schools UK - ymrwymodd bartneriaid i ddarparu profiad addysgol cyffrous ond heriol drwy apêl fagnetig Fformiwla Un committed partners to provide an exciting yet challenging educational experience through the magnetic appeal of Formula One

  5. Syniadau Mawr Cymru / Big Ideas Wales - Rhannu gwybodaeth am ddechrau busnes a datblygu sgiliau entrepreneuraidd. Ariennir gan Gronfa Datblygu Rhanbarthol Ewrop a Llywodraeth Cymru / Supporting young people in Wales to start/run their own business. Funded by the European Regional Development Fund and Welsh Government

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