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Perfformio Performing


  1. Hwb - Dysgu ac addysgu i Gymru - Cwricwlwm Cymru ac offer a deunyddiau addysgol am ddim / Learning and teaching for Wales - the Curriculum for Wales and free educational tools and materials

  2. BBC Bitesize - i helpu gyda'ch gwaith cartref, eich diwygiad a'ch dysgu / to help with your homework, revision and learning

  3. Twinkl - Adnoddau Cynradd - CA2, CA1, Blynyddoedd Cynnar / Primary Resources - KS2, KS1, Early Years

  4. BBC Teach - BBC Teach Live - dosbarthiadau byw ar gyfer ysgolion cynradd. Archwilio ystod o wersi rhyngweithiol wedi'u mapio gan y cwricwlwm ar gyfer disgyblion oedran cynradd. Plant 5-11 oed / Lessons for primary schools. Explore a range of curriculum-mapped interactive lessons for primary-aged pupils. 5-11-year-olds

  5. CBBC - chwarae gemau plant ar-lein am ddim, gwyliwch eich hoff sioeau, sgwrsio ag enwogion ac ymuno â'r hwyl / play free online kids games, watch your favourite shows, chat with celebrities and join in with the fun

  6. Action Transport Theatre - darparu amrywiaeth o wasanaethau i gefnogi ysgolion i gynnig profiad addysgol trochi, ddiddorol / providing a range of services to support schools in offering an immersive, engaging educational experience

  7. Collar & Cuffs Co - theatr wedi'i llofnodi'n synhwyraidd arobryn ar gyfer y blynyddoedd cynnar ac AAA / award-winning sensory signed theatre for early years & SEN

  8. Cwmni Theatr Arad Goch - Cwmni Theatr i blant a phobl ifanc / Theatre Company for children and young people

  9. George Dillon - y fargen Berkovian go iawn - ymarferydd dilys ac athro/cyfarwyddwr profiadol / the real Berkovian deal - an authentic practitioner and experienced teacher/director

  10. Little Angel Theatre - theatr bypedau o ansawdd uchel wedi'i hanelu at gynulleidfaoedd teuluol a Rhaglen Addysg ddychmygus sy'n gweithio gydag ysgolion, ieuenctid a grwpiau cymunedol. Sioeau a gweithgareddau pypedau ar-lein / high quality puppet theatre aimed at family audiences and imaginative Education Programme working with schools, youth and community groups. Online puppetry shows and activities

  11. Liverpool Everyman & Playhouse Theatres - theatr wych, blaengar sy'n ymateb i'w hamser a'i lle / brilliant, forward-thinking theatre that responds to its time and place

  12. Ian Kennedy Productions - mae IKP yn creu sioeau arloesol, cryno sy'n dibynnu ar adrodd straeon, dychymyg a dyfeisgarwch y gellir eu cyflawni unrhyw le ac ym mhobman / IKP creates innovative, compact shows which rely upon storytelling, imagination and ingenuity which can be performed anywhere and everywhere

  13. Illyria - cwmni theatr rhyngwladol arobryn, theatr awyr agored o'r radd gorau i leoliadau ledled y DU a thu hwnt / international award-winning theatre company, touring top quality outdoor theatre to locations throughout the UK and beyond

  14. Magic Light Productions - cwmni cynhyrchu theatrig, yn cynhyrchu sioeau theatr fyw ac yn cynnig gweithdai arbenigol, gwasanaethau llogi a dylunio ac adeiladu prop/set pwrpasol  / a theatrical production company, producing live theatre shows and offering specialised workshops, hire services and bespoke prop/set design and build

  15. Mewn Cymeriad/In Character - Mae Mewn Cymeriad yn gwmni theatr sy’n llwyfannu sioeau am gymeriadau a straeon o hanes Cymru / In Character is a theatre company that stages shows about characters and stories from Welsh history

  16. National Theatre - mae'r Casgliad Theatr Cenedlaethol yn rhad ac am ddim i ysgolion gwladol y DU / the National Theatre Collection is free for UK state schools - profwch y gorau o theatr Brydeinig adre/experience the best of British theatre at home

  17. National of Scotland - Play Dates - rhaglen ryngweithiol ar-lein i blant a theuluoedd / an online interactive programme for children and families

  18. Theatr Genedlaethol Cymru / National Theatre of Wales - cenedl Cymru yw ein llwyfan, ei straeon anhygoel a'i chyfoeth o dalent ein hysbrydoliaeth / the nation of Wales is our stage, its incredible stories and wealth of talent our inspiration

  19. New Adventures - cwmni theatr ddawns eiconig a arloesol ym Mhrydain, sy'n enwog am adrodd straeon gyda gefeilliaid theatrig unigryw / an iconic and ground-breaking British dance-theatre company, famous for telling stories with a unique theatrical twist

  20. Oily Cart - theatr synhwyraidd y gall plant sy'n ifanc iawn a'r rhai sydd wedi'u labelu fel rhai ag anghenion cymhleth gan gynnwys y rhai ag anableddau dwys a lluosog, â chyflwr sbectrwm awtistig, a'r rhai sy'n fyddar ac yn amhariad amlsynhwyraidd / sensory theatre that can be enjoyed by children who are very young and those who are labelled as having complex needs including those with profound and multiple disabilities, with an autistic spectrum condition, and those who are deafblind and multi-sensory impaired

  21. Pigtown Theatre CIC - menter gymdeithasol sy'n creu perfformiad a phrofiadau rhyngweithiol yn y gymuned i sefydliadau ac ysgolion / a social enterprise creating performance and interactive experiences in the community for organisations and schools

  22. Royal Shakespeare Company (RSC) - Addysg - Adnoddau Dysgu yn y Cartref / Education - Home Learning Resources

  23. Shakespeare’s Globe - Digwyddiadau Plant, Pobl Ifanc yn eu Harddegau a Theuluoedd drwy chwyddo / Children, Teenage and Family Events via zoom

  24. Shakespearience - arbennig o addas fel cyflwyniad cynnar i rai o weithiau mwyaf Shakespeare, neu fel ychwanegiad ysgogol at astudiaethau TGAU neu Uwch Uwch a Safon Uwch / particularly suitable as an early introduction to some of Shakespeare’s greatest works, or as a stimulating addition to GCSE’s or AS and A level studies

  25. Splendid Productions - cwmni theatr a chwmni addysg, gan greu theatr heriol, fywiog i bobl ifanc, a darparu hyfforddiant arbenigol ym mhob maes drama o theori Ymarferwyr i sgil cyflwyno / a theatre company and an education company, creating challenging, vibrant theatre for young people, and providing expert training in all areas of drama from Practitioner theory to Presentation skill

  26. Theatr Clwyd - Cymryd Rhan / Take Part - Theatr Clwyd Gyda'n Gilydd / Theatr Clwyd Together

  27. Unicorn Theatre - theatr y DU ar gyfer cynulleidfaoedd ifanc / the UK’s theatre for young audiences

  28. Venue Cymru ­- cymryd rhan mewn gwyliau pART blynyddol am ddim, Diwrnodau Ysbrydoli, Cynlluniau Creadigol Ifanc Creadigol a Chreadigol Hŷn / free annual take pART festivals, Inspire Days, Young Creative and Older Creative schemes

  29. Young Film Academy - prif ddarparwyr y DU mewn cyrsiau gwneud ffilmiau, rhaglenni gwneud ffilmiau ar gyfer ysgolion, prosiectau gwneud ffilmiau cymunedol, digwyddiadau allgymorth gwneud ffilmiau i bobl ifanc 5-19 oed / the UKʼs leading provider of filmmaking courses, filmmaking programmes for schools, community filmmaking projects, filmmaking outreach events to young people aged 5-19

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