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Gweithgareddau yn Cyfoethogi'r Cwricwlwm

Medi 2016 - Gorffennaf 2017

Activities in Curriculum Enrichment

September 2016 - July 2017


Ysgrifennodd pedwar disgybl at David Walliams yn gynharach yn y flwyddyn heb wir meddwl y buasent yn cael ymateb. Well, dyna sioc fawr!  Yn post yr ysgol yr wythnos diwethaf roedd amlen gyda’u henwau arno a llythyr o ddiolch gan yr awdur ei hun.


Llongyfarchiadau i’r pedwar. Dyma gopi o’r llythyr.


Pam na wnewch chi ysgrifennu o adref at eich hoff awdur – pwy a wyr efallai cewch chithau lythyr hefyd.

Four of our pupils wrote earlier in the year to David Walliams without really believing they would get a reply. How wrong could they have been! An envelope arrived in the post with their names on the front and a letter of thanks from the author himself.


Congratulation to them all. Here is a copy of the letter.


Why not write a letter from home to your favourite author – you may also be lucky and receive a letter.

JUNE 2017

MAI 2017

Annwyl David Walliams...

Gallwch ddod o hyd i lawer o wybodaeth am awduron ar y cyfrifiadur ond does dim byd i guro  ysgrifennu llythyr personol go iawn at yr awdur ei hun, yn ol grŵp o ddarllenwyr ifanc o Ysgol Tremeirchion yn ddiweddar. Ar ôl treulio'r tymor diwethaf yn darllen 'Blob' gan David Walliams, daethant i’r penderfyniad o ysgrifennu at y  storïwr poblogaidd. Mae'r disgyblion wedi bod yn cymryd rhan ym Menter Mentora Darllen Sir Ddinbych dros y 7 mis diwethaf.


Stori yw 'Blob' am sut daeth bachgen o'r enw Bob i gyfarfod pysgodyn blobfish o’r enw Blob. Ac yn y ffordd hwn mae stori ddoniol a chalon-gynnes yn cychwyn am gyfeillgarwch anarferol iawn - a rhai anifeiliaid rhyfedd iawn.


Ffion 8 oed

Y tymor hwn, rydym wedi bod yn darllen Blob.  Rydym yn credu ei fod yn wych, yn gyffrous ac yn ‘crazy’.


Lenon 8 oed

Rydym yn hoffi’r cyflwyniad am Raj a'r siocled sydd wedi llwydo.


Elis 8 oed

Ein hoff olygfeydd oedd y rhai yn y sw gan eu bod bob amser yn ymwneud ac anifeiliaid rhyfedd.


Huw 9 oed

Roeddem yn hoffi pan welodd Bob y  Blobfish oherwydd fe sgrechiodd yn wirioneddol uchel. Roedd llawer o ddarnau doniol eraill yn y llyfr a wnaeth i ni i gydchwerthin  yn uchel !  Mae'r llyfr hwn yn wych i’w ddarllen yn uchel ac yr ydym i gyd wedi mwynhau gwneud gwahanol swn anifeiliaid doniol.  Rydym yn credu y dylai pawb ddarllen Blob!


Y cwestiwn mawr ar wefusau pawb erbyn hyn, wrth gwrs ydyw, a fydd David Walliams yn ysgrifennu gydag ateb yn ôl? Mae'n bendant yn 'IE' gennym ni.

MAY 2017

Dear David Walliams…

You can find a lot of information about authors on the computer but nothing beats writing a real letter to a real author, concluded a group of young readers from Ysgol Tremeirchion recently.  Having spent the last term reading ‘Blob’ by David Walliams, they decided to write to the number one bestselling storyteller.  The pupils have been taking part in Denbighshire’s Reading Mentoring Initiative over the past 7 months.   


‘Blob’ is the story of how a boy called Bob meets a blobfish fish called Blob.  And so begins a funny and heart-warming story of a very unusual friendship – and some very strange animals.

Ffion aged 8

This term we have been reading Blob.  We think it is fantastic, exciting and crazy.


Lenon aged 8

We liked the introduction about Raj and the mouldy chocolate.


Elis aged 8

Our favourite scenes were the ones in the zoo because they always involved weird animals.


Huw aged 9

We liked it when Bob saw the Blobfish because he screamed really loud.  There were lots of other funny bits in the book that made us all laugh out aloud!  This book is great to read aloud and we have all enjoyed making funny animal noises.  We think everyone should read Blob!



The big question on everyone’s lips now is of course will David Walliams write back?  It’s definitely a ‘YES’ from us.


Cyhoeddi Enillwyr Her Ddigidol Pottero o Gwmpas

Mae'r pleidleisiau wedi cael eu cyfri ac mae gennym enillydd!


Mae Ysgol Trefnant wedi cymryd yr anrhydedd uchaf yn Pottero o Gwmpas, yr her ddigidol 23 diwrnod.

MARCH 2017

Potterin’ About Digital Challenge Winners Announced

The votes have been tallied and we have a winner! 

Ysgol Trefnant has taken top honours in Potterin’ About, a 23 day digital challenge. 

Drwy gydol fis Mawrth 2017 archwiliodd chwe Ysgol Cynradd o fewn Sir Ddinbych eu 'Fforest Waharddiedig’ eu hunain yn "yr ystafell ddosbarth orau bosib, sef un sydd wedi ei doi yn unig gan yr awyr uwchben" a dyfeisio rywfaint o gemeg Efrydiau Allanol cyffrous, postio eu heitemau Trydar ar-lein, a gwahodd eu dilynwyr i mewn i fyd Natur i ddechrau eu hanturiaethau ‘gwyllt’ eu hunain.


Derbyniodd Ysgol Trefnant, Ysgol Bodfari, Ysgol Bodnant, Ysgol Cefn Meiriadog, Ysgol Carrog ac Ysgol Borthyn sialens Pottero o Gwmpas i greu cymunedau hudol o ymholi yn seiliedig ar gyd-barch, dealltwriaeth academaidd, ecolegol ac amgylcheddol gadarn. Dros y 23 niwrnod, cyfnewidiodd ysgolion gyfanswm o 276 tweets hudol gydag Awdurdod Lleol Sir Ddinbych.


Cyfranodd pob ysgol at wneud y sialens yn llwyddiant ysgubol, gan ragori ar ddisgwyliadau pawb. Ni fyddai'r her wedi bod yn bosibl heb frwdfrydedd, creadigrwydd ac ymroddiad yr ysgolion. Beth unodd yr ysgolion oedd eu llygaid craff, eu harbenigedd technegol a'u mwynhad pur wrth ddal eu moment unigryw Harry Potter eu hunain.

Bydd Ysgol Trefnant, yr ysgol fuddugol, yn derbyn Casgliad 8-Ffilm Gyfan o Harry Potter fel gwobr.

Dywedodd llefarydd ar ran y Cyngor "Rydym wrth ein bodd o weld safon mor uchel o eitemau Trydar yn yr her ddigidol 'Pottero o Gwmpas.  Mae'r chwe ysgol sydd wedi cymryd rhan wedi dangos cwmpas o'r hyn sy'n bosibl o ran ymgysylltu creadigol â’u dilynwyr ar-lein drwy gyfrwng yr her ac rydym yn sicr y bydd eu gwaith yn ysbrydoli ysgolion eraill.  Mae pob un o'r ysgolion yn haeddu cydnabyddiaeth am set o eitemau Trydar ardderchog a llongyfarchiadau i'r enillwyr am eu gwaith rhagorol. "

Throughout March 2017, six Denbighshire Primary Schools explored their own ‘Forbidden Forest’ in “the best classroom, roofed only by the sky” and conjured up some exciting extramural chemistry, posting their Twitter feeds on-line, inviting their followers into nature to start their own ‘wild’ adventures. 

Ysgol Trefnant, Ysgol Bodfari, Ysgol Bodnant, Ysgol Cefn Meiriadog, Ysgol Carrog and Ysgol Borthyn took up the Potterin’ About challenge and created magical communities of enquiry based on mutual respect, sound academic, ecological and environmental understanding.  Over the 23 days, schools exchanged a total of 276 magical tweets with Denbighshire Local Authority. 


All schools contributed to making the challenge an overwhelming success, exceeding everyone’s expectations.  The challenge would not have been possible without the schools’ enthusiasm, creativity and commitment.  What united the schools was their keen eye, their technical expertise and their sheer enjoyment in capturing their own unique Harry Potter moment.


Ysgol Trefnant, the overall winning school, will receive Harry Potter - Complete 8-Film Collection as a prize. 


A spokesperson for the Council said “We are delighted to see such a high calibre of Twitter posts in the ‘Potterin’ About’ Digital Challenge.  The six participating schools have demonstrated the scope of what is possible in terms of creatively engaging with their on-line followers through the challenge and we’re sure that their work will provide inspiration to other schools.  All the schools deserve recognition for a set of excellent Twitter feeds and congratulations to the winners on their outstanding work.”

"Pwer Potter" trwy Wyddoniaeth

“The Power of Potter” through Science

Dewis Ysgol Bodfari fel engrhaifft blaenllaw ar gyfer y DU yn ystod Wythnos Wyddoniaeth Prydeinig (10-19 Mawrth 2017)

Ar 15 Mawrth 2017 trawsnewidwyd Ysgol Bodfari,ger Dinbych, i fod yn Hogwarts am ddiwrnod ar thema Harry Potter fel rhan o’r Wythnos Wyddoniaeth Brydeinig (10-19 Mawrth 2017). Penderfynodd yr ysgol, ar ôl derbyn grant "Cynllun Kick Start" grant gan y Gymdeithas Wyddoniaeth Brydeinig (y GWB) a derbyn statws blaenllaw o fewn y DU, i gonsurio dosbarthiadau cyffrous 'Campau Cemegol' eu hunain er mwyn ennyn brwdfrydedd ymysg disgyblion drwy ddyfeisio cyfres o bynciau gwyddonol rhyngweithiol.

Ysgol Bodfari selected as UK flagship during British Science Week (10-19 March 2017)

On 15 March 2017, Ysgol Bodfari, in Denbigh, was transformed into Hogwarts for a Harry Potter-themed day as part of British Science Week (10-19 March 2017).  The school, having been awarded a “Kick Start Scheme” grant from the British Science Association (BSA) and UK flagship status, decided to conjure up its own exciting ‘Chemical Capers’ classes to engender enthusiasm in a school audience via a succession of scientific topics and immersive interactions.

Cafodd eu hymdrechion eu canmol hyd yn oed gan yr awdur, JK Rowling ei hunan, ac anfonodd hithau lythyr drwy 'post tylluan' iddyn nhw.

Drwy chwifio hudlathau, castio swynion a llwch hudol, crëodd Ysgol Bodfari yr un math o "gyfaredd swynol"  a geir yn 'Harry Potter a Maen yr Athronydd'.


Trwy gydol y diwrnod arbennig hwn, cafwyd amserlen hynod, trefniadau staffio arbennig a defnydd hudol o ofod, gyda dewiniaid proffesiynol yn gwefreiddio disgyblion gyda’u hymdrechion dewiniol diddorol megis 'Harrygauge' (Peirianneg), 'Hogwarticulture' (Bioleg), 'Potterbilities' (Mathemateg) a 'Potterin' Poshuns '(Gwyddoniaeth). Defnyddiodd y disgyblion a’r staff hud ddewiniol Harry Potter i ystyried gwyddoniaeth o fewn cyd-destun y newidiadau sy'n digwydd yn y byd o'u cwmpas, gan rannu eu darganfyddiadau trwy gyfryngau cymdeithasol gydag ysgolion eraill o fewn Sir Ddinbych, yn rhanbarthol ac yn genedlaethol. Hefyd, fe wahoddwyd rhieni, gofalwyr a'r gymuned ehangach ar ddiwedd y dydd i gyflwyniad ac Arddangosfa arbennig, i ddathlu "Pwer Potter" trwy Wyddoniaeth.

Erbyn diwedd y dydd, ‘roedd 'Harry Potter a Maen yr Athronydd' wedi gwehyddu ei hud eto, ar ôl ugain mlynedd a gadawyd y gynulleidfa wedi ei  "gyfareddu".

Their efforts were even praised by author, JK Rowling herself, who sent them a letter by ‘owl post’.


By waving wands, casting spells and sprinkling magic dust, Ysgol Bodfari created the same “spellbinding, enchanting, bewitching stuff” as found in ‘Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone’.


Throughout the day, there was an extraordinary timetable, special staffing arrangements and magical use of space, with professional wizards thrilling students with intriguing wizarding endeavours such as ‘Harrygauge’ (Engineering), ‘Hogwarticulture’ (Biology), ‘Potterbilities’ (Maths) and ‘Potterin’ Poshuns’ (Science).  Pupils and staff used Harry Potter’s wizarding magic to think about science within the context of the changes happening in the world around them, sharing their discoveries via social media with other schools in Denbighshire and regionally and nationally.  Parents, carers and the wider community were also invited at the end of the day to a presentation and exhibition, celebrating “The Power of Potter” through science.


By the end of the day, ‘Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone’ had woven its magic again, after twenty years and left audiences “spellbound”.


Gwaith Llachar gyda George Dillon

yn Ysgol Dinas Brân, Llangollen

Pan ofynnodd Pennaeth Drama Ysgol Dinas Brân, Llangollen, i mi os oeddwn yn gwybod am rywun sy'n arbenigo yng ngwaith Berkoff; rhywun a allai gyflwyno gweithdy yn seiliedig ar ei arddull ddramatig "in-yer-face" i grŵp o fyfyrwyr Chweched Dosbarth brwd, bu'n rhaid i mi gyfaddef nad oeddwn i ddim ar y pryd. Ond fel rhywun sy'n hoffi her, penderfynais holi er mwyn dod o hyd i rywun a allai wneud hynny. 


Mae Steven Berkoff yn actor ‘cymeriad’ yn yr iaith Saesneg, yn awdur, dramodydd a chyfarwyddwr theatr. Fel actor, mae’n fwyaf adnabyddus am ei berfformiadau mewn rolau cymeriadau anfad megis Lt Col Podovsky yn Rambo: First Blood Part II, General Orlov yn ffilm James Bond Octopussy, Victor Maitland yn Beverly Hills Cop ac Adolf Hitler yn y gyfres mini teledu War and Remembrance. Yn ogystal fel actor, mae Berkoff yn ddramodydd a chyfarwyddwr theatr nodedig, gyda steil unigryw o ysgrifennu a pherfformio.


Mae myfyrwyr Drama Chweched Dosbarth Ysgol Dinas Brân yn grŵp uchelgeisiol o bobl ifanc oedd angen rhywfaint o gyngor ac arweiniad arbenigol wrth ddehongli a pherfformio theatr gorfforol ac, yn benodol, gwaith Steven Berkoff.


Wedi edrych yn ofalus ond yn ofer ar beth oedd ar gael mewn rhai o ganolfannau rhanbarthol mawr Gogledd Orllewin Lloegr a thrwy Gymru gyfan, penderfynais nad oedd dim amdani ond ysgrifennu at Mr Berkoff ei hun, yn y gobaith y gallai roi cyswllt gyda’i sêl gymeradwyaeth bersonol i ddarparu gweithdy / dosbarth meistr ar gyfer y myfyrwyr.


"Rydym yn gwybod fod eich gwaith angen lefel mor uchel o ddehongli arbenigol ac, yn barchus, rydym yn awgrymu eich bod chi’n gwybod am rywun addas i ddatgloi rhai o'r cyfrinachau i’w rhannu gyda phobl ifanc dawnus sy'n sychedu am y lefel cywir o arweiniad".


A dyna sut cawsom hyd i George Dillon, actor sydd wedi ennill llawer o wobrau am ei waith.


"Yr enghraifft orau i wylio sut i berfformio yw George Dillon."

Steven Berkoff


Rhoddodd George Dillon weithdy yn Ysgol Dinas Brân, Llangollen, yn ddiweddar, a oedd yn enghraifft o ymagwedd Berkoff tuag at theatr corfforol, gan gynnwys gwaith ymarferol gyda mwy o ffocws. Cyflwynodd ddealltwriaeth ddofn a mynegiant llawn o theatr gorfforol, gan drwytho myfyrwyr gydag ymdeimlad o antur creadigol, ynghyd â  sgiliau perfformiad penodol a blas o ddisgyblaeth broffesiynol.


Os fydd unrhyw ysgol yn ystyried gofyn am weithdy gyda George Dillon, fy nghyngor i fyddai – gwnewch hynny ar frys - ni fyddwch yn cael eich siomi! Mae George Dillon yn ymarferydd ddilys ac yn athro / cyfarwyddwr profiadol. Ef yw'r gwir Berkovian o’r safon uchaf – mae o’n angerddol, yn wybodus ac yn wirioneddol ysbrydoledig.


Berkoff Brilliance with George Dillion

at Ysgol Dinas Brân, Llangollen

Steven Berkoff

George Dillon

When the Head of Drama at Ysgol Dinas Brân, Llangollen, asked me if I knew anyone who specialised in Berkof’f; someone who could deliver a workshop based on his “in-yer-face” dramatic style to a group of eager Sixth Form students, I had to admit that I didn’t.  But as someone who likes a challenge, I decided to make it my business to find someone who could. 


Steven Berkoff is an English character actor, author, playwright and theatre director.  As an actor, he is best known for his performances in villainous roles, such as Lt. Col Podovsky in Rambo: First Blood Part II, General Orlov in the James Bond film Octopussy, Victor Maitland in Beverly Hills Cop and Adolf Hitler in the TV mini-series War and Remembrance.  As well as an actor, Berkoff is a noted playwright and theatre director, with a unique style of writing and performance. 


Ysgol Dinas Brân Sixth Form Drama students are an ambitious group of young people who needed some expert advice and guidance when it came to interpreting and performing physical theatre and, in particular, Steven Berkoff’s work. 


Having scoured what was available in some of the major regional centres in the North West and Wales to no avail, I decided there was nothing for it but to write to Mr Berkoff himself, in the earnest hope that he could provide me with a contact who had his personal seal of approval to facilitate a workshop/masterclass. 

“We know that your work requires such a high level of specialist interpretation and, respectfully, we suggest that you will know of just the right person to unlock some of the secrets and share them with these talented young people who thirst for the right level of guidance”.


Enter centre stage, George Dillon, award-winning actor. 

“The best example to watch how to perform is George Dillon.”

Steven Berkoff


George Dillon facilitated a workshop at Ysgol Dinas Brân, Llangollen, recently, which exemplified Berkoff’s approach to physical theatre, including more focussed practical work.  He presented a deep understanding and full expression of physical theatre, infusing students with a sense of creative adventure, combined with an injection of specific performance skills and a taste of professional discipline. 

And if any schools are contemplating booking a workshop with George Dillon, my advice would be, just do it – you won’t be disappointed! George Dillon is an authentic practitioner and an experienced teacher/director.  He is the real Berkovian deal – passionate, knowledgeable and truly inspirational.

Dydd Prydau Ysgol Rhyngwladol (DPYR)

Mae Dydd Prydau Ysgol Rhyngwladol (DPYR) yn ymgyrch unigryw gyda'r nod o godi ymwybyddiaeth o faeth da i bob plentyn waeth beth yw eu hamgylchiadau.


Wedi ei reoli gan Plant yr Alban, mae menterau Ysgolion Iach a Cyfoethogi’r Cwricwlwm Gwasanaethau Addysg a Plant Sir Ddinbych wedi derbyn gwahoddiad i rannu enghreifftiau o arferion bwyta'n iach mewn ysgolion a llwyddiannau eu cystadlaethau coginio gyda chynulleidfa byd-eang.

International School Meals Day (ISMD)

International School Meals Day (ISMD) is a unique campaign with the aim of raising awareness of good nutrition for all children regardless of their circumstances.


Managed by Children in Scotland, Denbighshire Education and Children’s Services’ Healthy Schools and Curriculum Enrichment initiatives have been invited to share examples of practices in promoting healthy eating in schools and success stories of their cooking competitions around the globe. 

SOS Garddio yn Ysgol Tremeirchion

Ysgol yn galw am bobl i ymuno â’r gâd ac yn croesawu cyfeillion, teulu a gwirfoddolwyr i helpu trawsnewid gofod tu allan

Am ffordd wych i wario bore oer, heulog o Wanwyn ym Mis Chwefror 2017 gyda thîm o wirfoddolwyr garddio brwdfrydig, gan gynnwys plant, staff, rhieni a neiniau a theidiau wrth dacluso gofod tu allan yn Ysgol Tremeirchion, ger Llanelwy.


Nid gwaith hawdd oedd hi.  ’Roedd yr ardd wedi cael ei adael i fynd yn angof a blêr.  Serch hynny ’roedd gan Ysgol Tremeirchion gynllun i drawsnewid a rhoi bywyd newydd i mewn i’r gofod tu allan hwn.  Erbyn canol y prynhawn, ’roedd criw o helpwyr wedi llwyddo i gwblhau ‘rhan un’ o’r her a welodd sefydlu cerflun gwydr a choed odidog i ddathlu 150 mlynedd o addysg yn yr ysgol. 


Fis Mai 2016, comisiynwyd Hilary a Graham Roberts, artistiaid o Gymru, i ddylunio a gwneud cerflun gyfoes i ddathlu’r penblwydd arbennig hwn.  Datblygwyd y cynllun ar gyfer y cerflun yn ystod gweithdy celf un-dydd oedd yn cynnwys y disgyblion i gyd a’r staff fis Gorffennaf 2016, drwy weithio gyda gwydr ac acrilig.


Yn dilyn brwydr di-flino mewn heulwen llachar, ’roedd gwaith y criw o helpwyr yn gyflawn gan adael y darn tir wedi ei drawsnewid, a’r cerflun newydd yn ei le. 


Mae Ysgol Tremeirchion yn edrych ymlaen yn awr i ‘ran dau’ o’r her o drawsnewid y gofod tu allan. 

Garden SOS at Ysgol Tremeirchion

School issues a call to arms and recruits friends, family and volunteers to help transform outdoor space

What a brilliant way to spend a crisp, sunny, Spring Saturday morning in February 2017 with a team of enthusiastic gardening volunteers, including children, staff, parents and grandparents, clearing the outdoor space at Ysgol Tremeirchion, near St Asaph.


This was no easy task.  The garden had become overgrown and neglected.  Nevertheless, Ysgol Tremeirchion had a plan to transform and breathe new life into the outdoor space.  By mid-afternoon, the team of helpers had successfully completed ‘phase one’ of the challenge, which saw the installation of an elegant, hand-crafted glass and wood sculpture, to commemorate 150 years of education at the school. 


In May 2016, professional Welsh artists, Hilary and Graham Roberts, were commissioned by the school to design and make a contemporary sculpture to celebrate the school’s landmark anniversary.  The design for the sculpture was developed during a one day arts workshop involving all pupils and staff in July 2016, working with glass and acrylics.


After a tireless struggle in brilliant sunshine, the team’s hard work was complete and the challenging patch transformed, with the sculpture newly installed. 


Ysgol Tremeirchion now looks forward to ‘phase two’ of its exciting outdoor space makeover challenge.

Annwyl Rachel Renee Russell...

Dream big dreams, because little dreams have no magic ~ Dork Diaries

Pan benderfynodd Casey Martin, disgybl Blwyddyn 6 yn Ysgol Pendref, Dinbych swennu at un o'i hoff awduron  am un o'i hoff lyfrau, ‘doedd hi ddim yn obeithiol iawn y byddai Rachel Renee Russell, awdur Americanaidd, sy’n gyfrifol am y gyfres llyfrau y ‘Dork Diaries’ a ‘The Misadventures of Max Crumbly’ a ddyfarnwyd fel prif llyfrau plant doniol o ran gwerthiant gan # 1 New York Timesysgrifennu yn ôl ati.  Felly ‘roedd hi’n hynod o falch diwrnod cafodd ateb gan yr awdur enwog ei hun yr holl ffordd o Ogledd Virginia, UDA.

Dear Rachel Renee Russell...

Dream big dreams, because little

dreams have no magic ~ Dorik Diaries

When Casey Martin, a Year 6 pupil at Ysgol Pendref, Denbigh, decided to write to one of her favourite authors, about one of her favourite books, she didn’t get her hopes up that Rachel Renee Russell, American author of the #1 New York Times best-selling humorous children’s book series’, ‘Dork Diaries’, and ‘The Misadventures Of Max Crumbly’. would write back.  So it made her day when she received a reply from the famous author all the way from North Virginia, USA.

Corpws Cenedlaethol Cymraeg Cyfoes

Derbyniodd Adran Addysg a Gwasanaethau Plant Sir Ddinbych a menter Cyfoethogi'r Cwricwlwm cais gan Corpws Cenedlaethol Cymraeg Cyfoes i rannu gwybodaeth gyda Phrifysgol Caerdydd am ei ddefnydd dwyieithog o iaith electronig drwy ei wefan - a cyfrif Trydar @cyfoeth_enrich.

National Corpus of Contemporary Welsh

Denbighshire Education and Children’s Services’ Curriculum Enrichment initiative received a request from the National Corpus of Contemporary Welsh to share information with Cardiff University about its bilingual use of electronic language via its website - and Twitter account @cyfoeth_enrich.

Harri Potter a Maen yr Athronydd@20

Ionawr 2017- Gorfennaf 2017

Drwy gydol Tymor y Gwanwyn a'r Haf 2017, bydd dewiniaid ifanc, gwrachod a'u hathrawon, yn hynod o brysur yn astudio "un o anturiaethau llenyddol mwyaf y cyfnod fodern", wrth weithio gyda'i gilydd yn greadigol ar draws y cwricwlwm.  Mae chwedl yr Harri ifanc - sef amddifad sy'n darganfod fod ei rieni'n ddewiniaid ac yn mynd i Ysgol Hudoliaeth a Dewiniaeth Hogwarts i ddatblygu ei allu - yn gyfarwydd iawn erbyn hyn.  Drwy chwifio hudlathau, castio swynion a llond llaw llwch hud, bydd menter Cyfoethogi'r Cwricwlwm Adran Addysg a Gwasanaethau Plant Sir Ddinbych yn anelu at ennyn yr un brwdfrydedd mewn cynulleidfaoedd ysgol wrth ddarllen ac a geir yn y llyfr.  Drwy gydol tymor y Gwanwyn a'r Haf 2017, rydym yn gwahodd ysgolion Sir Ddinbych i greu amgylcheddau sydd a chyfoeth o gyfleon addysg ‘ymarferol’ i sicrhau bod pob plentyn yn cael cyfle i fwynhau a chymryd rhan yn uniongyrchol mewn dysgu creadigol ar draws y cwricwlwm.  Bydd y prosiect yn dod i ben ym mis Mehefin 2017 gyda chyfres o 'Ddyddiau Trosfeddiannu Ysgolion', pryd y bydd ysgolion yn atal eu hamserlen arferol am y dydd ac yn creu eu 'Ysgol Hudoliaeth a Dewiniaeth' eu hunain.  Bydd amserlenni rhyfeddol, trefniadau staffio arbennig a defnydd hudol o ofod, gyda gweithwyr proffesiynol o’r byd theatrig ac o’r gwahanol gelfyddydau yn ymweld i wefreiddio myfyrwyr mewn 'Clybiau Brecwast Hubble Bubble', bwyta prydau 'a la arddull Hogwarts, gweithdai dewiniaeth, perfformiadau cerddorol theatr llawn angerdd, dawnsio trydanol, arddangosfeydd dewiniaeth a dangosiadau arbennig o ‘Faen yr Athronydd’ ar ôl ysgol.

Harry Potter and the Philospher's Stone@20

January 2017- July 2017

Throughout the Spring and Summer terms 2017, Denbighshire schools will be packed to the rafters with young wizards, witches and their professors, eager to explore “one of the greatest literary adventures of modern times”, as they work together creatively across the curriculum.  The tale of young Harry – the orphan who discovers that his parents were wizards and goes to Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry to develop his powers – is very familiar by now.  By waving wands, casting spells and sprinkling magic dust, Denbighshire Education and Children’s Services’ Curriculum Enrichment initiative aims to engender the same enthusiasm in school audiences as they would gain from reading the book.  Throughout the Spring and Summer terms 2017, we are inviting Denbighshire schools to create environments rich in ‘hands-on’ instruction to ensure every child has the opportunity to enjoy and participate directly in learning creatively across the curriculum.  The project will culminate in June 2017, with a series of ‘Schools Takeover Days’, when schools will suspend their normal timetable for the day and create their very own ‘School of Witchcraft and Wizardry’.  There will be extraordinary timetables, special staffing arrangements and magical use of space, with visiting theatre professionals, soaring and swooping in from the different arts, thrilling students with ‘Hubble Bubble Breakfast Clubs’, dining a ’la Hogwarts style, wizarding workshops, passionate musical theatre performances, electrifying dancing, wizardry exhibitions and after-school special screenings of the Philosopher’s Stone. 


Annwyl Julia Donaldson...

Llythyr oddi wrth yr awdur plant poblogaidd yn cyrraedd un o ysgolion Sir Ddinbych

Pan benderfynodd Callum Kelly, 11 mlwydd oed, disgybl yn Ysgol Frongoch, Dinbych, ysgrifennu at un o'i hoff awduron, ychydig oedd y disgwyl ganddo cael ymateb. Felly dychmygwch ei syndod a’i lawenydd pur pan ddaeth llythyr yn ddiweddar, wedi'i gyfeirio’n bersonol ato, oddiwrth awdur 'The Gruffalo', Julia Donaldson, a anfonwyd at ei ysgol.  Mae Julia Donaldson MBE, y llenor Saesneg, dramodydd a pherfformiwr, ac Awdur Llawryfog Plant 2011-2013, yn fwyaf adnabyddus am ei storïau sy’n odli sydd mor boblogaidd gyda plant.  Yn arbennig o boblogaidd yw’r rhai a ddarluniwyd gan Axel Scheffler, sy'n cynnwys 'Room on the Broom' a 'Stick Man'.  Yn ei chyfarchiad personol, siaradodd Miss Donaldson am ei balchder mewn ‘dysg’ a’r ffaith fod Callum yn mwynhau darllen ei llyfrau, yn enwedig 'Stick Man'.  Dros y cwpl o fisoedd sydd wedi mynd heibio, mae Callum wedi bod yn cymryd rhan yn y fenter Mentora Darllen Sir Ddinbych; cynllun sy’n croesawu gwirfoddolwyr o bob cefndir i helpu disgyblion mewn ysgolion i wella eu sgiliau darllen a darganfod yr hud o ddarllen mewn ffordd hwyliog, creadigol ac ysbrydoledig.  Ac wedi troi ei sylw y tymor hwn i ddarllen "Planet Earth II", nid yw'n anodd i weithio allan at pwy fydd Callum yn ysgrifennu at nesaf!


Julia Donaldson

Dear Julia Donaldson...

A letter from popular children’s author arrives in Denbighshire School

Callum Kelly, aged 11 and a pupil at Ysgol Frongoch, Denbigh, decided to write to one of his favourite authors, little did he expect her to reply.  So imagine his amazement and sheer delight when a letter, personally addressed to him, from ‘The Gruffalo’ author, Julia Donaldson, was delivered to his school recently.  Julia Donaldson MBE, English writer, playwright and performer, and the 2011–2013 Children's Laureate, is best known for her popular rhyming stories for children, especially those illustrated by Axel Scheffler, which include ‘Room on the Broom’ and ‘Stick Man’.  In her personal greeting, Miss Donaldson spoke of her delight in learning that Callum enjoyed reading her books.  Over the past couple of months, Callum has been taking part in Denbighshire’s Reading Mentoring initiative; a scheme welcoming volunteers from all walks of life to help pupils in schools improve their reading skills and discover the magic of reading in a fun, creative and inspiring way.  And having turned his attention this term to reading “Planet Earth II”, it’s not hard to work out who Callum will be writing to next!


'Dathlu Darllen Efo'n Gilydd!'

Darllenwyr yn cyd-gyfarfod i ddathlu darllen


'Celebrating Reading Together!'

Readers come together to celebrate reading

Dydd Llun 5 mis Rhagfyr 2016, croesawodd y Cynghorydd Ann Davies, Cadeirydd, Cyngor Sir Ddinbych, plant a'u mentoriaid darllen o ysgolion ar draws y sir i Neuadd y Dref, Rhuthun i ddathlu eu llwyddiannau darllen dros y misoedd diwethaf.  ’Roedd pob un wedi bod yn cymryd rhan ym Menter Mentora Darllen Sir Ddinbych drwy gydol tymor yr Hydref 2016.  Bellach yn ei drydedd flwyddyn lwyddiannus, mae Menter Mentora Darllen Sir Ddinbych yn croesawu gwirfoddolwyr o bob cefndir i helpu disgyblion mewn ysgolion i wella eu sgiliau darllen drwy dreulio rhywfaint o amser gyda hwy yn wythnosol, er mwyn eu hannog i ymarfer eu sgiliau darllen a darganfod yr hud o ddarllen mewn ffordd hwyliog, creadigol ac ysbrydoledig.  Hyd yma, mae tair ar hugain o ysgolion Sir Ddinbych a 106 o blant wedi cymryd rhan yn y cynllun gyda chefnogaeth gan fentoriaid darllen gwirfoddol.

On Monday 5 December 2016, Councillor Ann Davies, Chair, Denbighshire County Council, welcomed children and their reading mentors from schools across the county to Ruthin Town Hall to celebrate their reading achievements over the past couple of months.  All had been taking part in Denbighshire’s Reading Mentoring Initiative throughout the Autumn term 2016.  Now in its third successful year, Denbighshire Reading Mentoring Initiative welcomes volunteers from all walks of life to help pupils in schools improve their reading skills by spending some time with them on a weekly basis, to encourage them to practise their reading skills and discover the magic of reading in a fun, creative and inspiring way. To date, twenty-three Denbighshire schools have participated in the scheme and 106 children have been supported by volunteer reading mentors.


Ysgol Dinas Brân Will Rock You - You better believe it!

Yn diweddar, rhoddwyd gweithdy deinamig, dwys a heriol "Schools Will Rock You" i berfformwyr ifanc talentog yn Ysgol Dinas Brân, Llangollen, Sir Ddinbych, sef cyfle unigryw iddynt ganu, dawnsio ochr yn ochr â wir seren theatr gerdd o’r West End wrth iddynt baratoi ar gyfer  cynhyrchiad ysgol cyffrous eu hunain, 06-08 Rhagfyr 2016.  Treuliodd Michelle Crook, actores a pherfformiwr o sioe "We Will Rock You" o’r West End, ddiwrnod yn consurio’r fath ‘hud’, gan roi aelodau'r cast ar brawf, cyfarwyddo arferion, caneuon a golygfeydd o’r sioe West End ei hun, gan gynnig cipolwg i mewn i arferion cyfredol yn y West End a chyflwyno myfyrwyr i’r broses greadigol o ddod a sioe gerdd yn fyw i’r llwyfan.


Ysgol Dinas Brân Will Rock You - Credwch neu beidio!

Michelle Crook

A dynamic, intensive and challenging ‘Schools Will Rock You’ workshop gave talented young performers at Ysgol Dinas Brân, Llangollen, Denbighshire, the unique opportunity recently to sing, dance and act alongside a real West End musical theatre star as they prepare for their own exciting school production, 6-8 December 2016.  Michelle Crook, ‘We Will Rock You’ actress and West End performer, spent the day conjuring up a ‘Kind of Magic’, putting cast members through their paces, directing routines, songs and scenes from the actual West End show, offering an authentic insight into current West End practice and introducing students to the creative process of bringing a musical to life on stage.


Sprinclo ychydig o Hudolaeth Matilda the Musical...

Ydych chi erioed wedi meddwl sut fyddai hi i gymryd rhan mewn gweithdy theatr gerddorol a addysgir gan un o sêr y West End yn eich ysgol chi?  Wel, yn dilyn eu llwyddiant yng nghystadleuaeth ‘Perfformiwr Ifanc Sir Ddinbych 2016’, dyna'n union beth ddigwyddodd pan gafodd Ysgol Cefn Meiriadog, Sir Ddinbych, o Ogledd-Ddwyrain Cymru, brofiad ‘West End’ pan groesawyd Hollie Taylor i’r ysgol.  Mae Hollie yn actores ac yn ymarferydd proffesiynol o Gwmni Brenhinol Shakespeare, a ddaeth hi’n syth o Theatr Cambridge, Llundain, a chynhyrchiad ‘Matilda the Musical’.  Yn ystod diwrnod llawn hwyl ac egnïol, cafodd disgyblion eu cyflwyno i hanes ‘Matilda the Musical’, y cymeriadau allweddol ynddi a'r broses greadigol o ddod a’r sioe yn fyw ar y llwyfan.


A Sprinkling of Matilda the Musical Magic...

Hollie Taylor

Ever wondered what it would be like to take part in a musical theatre workshop taught by West End stars in your very own school?  Well, following its success in ‘Denbighshire Young Performer 2016’ competition, that’s exactly what happened when Ysgol Cefn Meiriadog, Denbighshire, North East Wales, was awarded its very own West End experience and opened its doors to actress and Royal Shakespeare Company practitioner, Hollie Taylor, direct from the Cambridge Theatre, London’s hit ‘Matilda the Musical’.  During a fun-filled and energetic day, students were introduced to the story of ‘Matilda the Musical’, the key characters and the creative process of bringing it to life on stage.

Archif Gŵylgyfoeth 2016-2017

Enrichfest Archive 2016-2017

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