Archif Gŵylgyfoeth 2018-2019
Enrichfest Archive 2018-2019
Gweithgareddau yn Cyfoethogi'r Cwricwlwm
Medi 2018 - Gorffennaf 2019
Activities in Curriculum Enrichment
September 2018 - July 2019
JULY 2019
‘Fight or Flight’ Film Premiere
Pupils attended the premiere of their own film, after working with some of the industry’s biggest names. Students at Rhyl’s Blessed Edward Jones Catholic High School wrote, filmed and starred in their own short film, ‘Fight or Flight’, with the help of Paul Higginson, Executive Vice President EMEA for Twentieth Century Fox and BAFTA award-winning English television and film scriptwriter, Jimmy McGovern.The project was part of Denbighshire County Council’s Curriculum Enrichment initiative’s work to support young people and enrich their learning and was produced in partnership with Colwyn Bay-based Tape Community Music and Film.
‘Fight or Flight’, which deals with issues of self-esteem, body image and social media, was filmed in the school, with pupils taking on all roles in the production, with the premiere held at the school on Friday 12 July 2019.
Rhyl actor Spencer Wilding, who played Darth Vader in Rogue One and has appeared in a host of Hollywood blockbusters including Guardians of the Galaxy, Batman Begins and Men in Black: International, also attended the premiere and spoke to pupils.
The filmmaking process started in November 2017, when a scriptwriting masterclass was held for Denbighshire secondary students with Mr McGovern, writer of Brookside, Cracker, Hillsborough, The Street, The Lakes and award-winning films, Priest and Liam.
In January 2019, Paul Higginson, who has worked on a number of blockbuster films, including 1997’s Titanic, and was responsible for bringing the premiere of the Jim Carrey comedy ‘Me, Myself and Irene’ to Rhyl in 2000, returned to his former school to launch the project and speak to pupils about the film industry.Funding for the filmmaking project was awarded by the Thomas Howell’s Education Fund for North Wales.
Pobl ifanc 7 i 14 oed yn cael cyfle i ddisgleirio yn y gegin gyda chystadleuaeth ar ffurf MasterChef ym Mwydlen Fawr Sir Ddinbych 2019
Fe wnaeth deuddeg cogydd Ysgol Uwchradd ac wyth cogydd Ysgol Gynradd dorri, sleisio a phobi eu ffordd i lwyddiant yn Rowndiau Terfynol Cystadleuaeth Coginio Bwydlen Fawr Sir Ddinbych 2019, a gynhaliwyd yn Ysgol Uwchradd Dinbych, Ddydd Llun 1 Gorffennaf a dydd Mawrth 2 Gorffennaf 2019. Thema eleni oedd ‘Anturiaethau Alys yng Ngwlad Hud: Gwneud Gwallgofrwydd Gwych’ gyda phob cogydd ifanc yn wynebu cyfnod o goginio am 2½ awr pryd gofynwyd iddynt greu un neu ddau o brydau (yn dibynnu ar y categori cystadleuaeth), o flaen cynulleidfa fyw o feirniaid, teulu, ffrindiau a staff yr ysgol. Yn eu hetiau tal a'u ffedogau, gosododd y cogyddion ifanc llawn hyder eu prydau gorffenedig yn broffesiynol o flaen panel o feirniaid.
Mae cystadleuaeth goginio ysgolion Bwydlen Fawr Sir Ddinbych wedi bod yn ddigwyddiad blaenllaw i gogyddion ifanc arddangos eu sgiliau ers dros bedair blynedd ac fe'i trefnir gan Ysgolion Iach Sir Ddinbych mewn partneriaeth â Menter Cyfoethogi Cwricwlwm y Cyngor Sir ac mae'n agored i geisiadau o ysgolion Cynradd, Uwchradd ac Arbennig yn Sir Ddinbych. Nod y gystadleuaeth yw annog a gwobrwyo coginio da yn yr ystafell ddosbarth, cefnogi ysgolion i ddatblygu sgiliau coginio, hyrwyddo'r defnydd o gynnyrch lleol ac addysgu pobl ifanc am yrfaoedd mewn lletygarwch.
Roedd panel eleni o feirniaid yn cynnwys yr ymgynghorydd coginio enwog, Graham Tinsley MBE, Steve West, Rheolwr Gyfarwyddwr The Pudding Compartment, Fflint, Ian Kemp a Hayley Jones, Rheolwyr Gwasanaethau Arlwyo Sir Ddinbych a Jane Jones, Cogydd Ysgol y Flwyddyn Cymru 2019. Cymeradwyodd y beirniaid y cogyddion ifanc ar eu prydau, gan ychwanegu eu bod nid yn unig yn apelio at y llygad ond yn blasu mor dda.
Dywedodd Paula Roberts, Cydlynydd Ysgolion Iach Sir Ddinbych: “Rydym yn mwynhau trefnu'r gystadleuaeth hon gan ei bod yn ffordd ryfeddol i blant a phobl ifanc ddangos eu sgiliau a'u brwdfrydedd am goginio, gan ddefnyddio cynhwysion sy'n lleol ac yn iach.”
Enillydd cyffredinol y gystadleuaeth Gynradd oedd Siwan Rees o Ysgol Carreg Emlyn. Coronwyd Matthew Davies, Ysgol Uwchradd Dinbych yn enillydd cyffredinol Ysgolion Uwchradd. Derbyniodd pob un Gymysgydd Llaw Russell Hobbs a Thlws arbennig. Fel gwobr ychwanegol yn y Gystadleuaeth Ysgolion Uwchradd, cafodd pedwar disgybl o Ysgol Uwchradd Dinbych gyfle i ddisgleirio yn y gegin yng Ngwesty Carden Park, a chael eu mentora gan y cogydd ymgynghorol enwog Graham Tinsley MBE. Am ffordd ryfeddol i bobl ifanc ddangos eu sgiliau a'u brwdfrydedd dros goginio.
Young people aged 7 to 14 years have the chance to shine in the kitchen with the Great Denbighshire Menu 2019 MasterChef-style competition
Twelve Primary and eight Secondary school young chefs chopped, sliced and baked their way to success in this year’s Great Denbighshire Menu 2019 Schools’ Cooking Competition Finals, held at Denbigh High School, on Monday 1 July and Tuesday 2 July 2019. This year’s theme was ‘Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland: Making Marvellous Madness’ and each young cook faced a 2½ hour cooking deadline where they were required to create one or two dishes (depending on the competition category), in front of a live audience of judges, family, friends and school staff. In their tall hats and aprons, the young chefs placed their completed dishes in front of a panel of judges with the poise of practiced professionals.
The Great Denbighshire Menu schools cooking competition has been a flagship event for young chefs to showcase their skills for over four years and is organised by Denbighshire Healthy Schools, in partnership with Curriculum Enrichment initiative and is open to entries from Primary, Secondary and Special schools in Denbighshire. The competition aims to encourage and reward good cooking within the classroom, support schools in developing cookery skills, promote the use of local produce and educate young people about careers in hospitality.
This year’s panel of judges included celebrity consultant chef Graham Tinsley MBE, Steve West, Managing Director of The Pudding Compartment, Flint, Ian Kemp and Hayley Jones, Denbighshire Catering Services’ Managers and Jane Jones, Wales’ School Cook of the Year 2019. The judges commended the young chefs on their dishes, adding that they were not only appealing to the eye but tasted just as good.
Paula Roberts, Denbighshire Healthy Schools’ Co-ordinator said: “We enjoy organising this competition because it’s such an amazing way for children and young people to demonstrate their skills and their passion about cooking, using ingredients that are local and healthy.”
The overall winner of the Primary competition was Siwan Rees of Ysgol Carreg Emlyn. Matthew Davies, Denbigh High School was crowned the overall Secondary School winner. Each received a Russell Hobbs Hand Mixer and trophy. As an additional reward in the Secondary School Competition, four pupils from Denbigh High School were awarded the chance to shine in the kitchen at Carden Park Hotel, mentored by celebrity consultant chef Graham Tinsley MBE. What an amazing way for young people to demonstrate their skills & passion for cooking.
MAI 2019
Alys yn Sir Ddinbych
Oriel Cath Sir Gaer: Arddangosfa Wonderland
'Dychmygwch fydd lle nad oes dim yn amhosibl'...
Syrthiwch i lawr twll y cwningod i Wlad Hud, sef arddangosfa sy'n dathlu stori enwog Lewis Carroll ac sy’n archwilio sut mae anturiaethau Alys wedi ysbrydoli plant ysgol Sir Ddinbych yn eu hystafelloedd dosbarth drwy gydol 2019.
Mae Anturiaethau Alys yng Ngwlad Hud yn un o'r llyfrau mwyaf poblogaidd yn y byd, yn llawn cymeriadau rhyfeddol, rhigymau doniol yn llawn nonsens ysbrydoledig - ac ers ei gyhoeddi yn 1865, mae wedi swyno cenedlaethau o blant ac oedolion fel ei gilydd.
Derbyniwyd 1,552 o geisiadau syfrdanol ar draws 7 categori cystadleuaeth, ar draws oedrannau 5-14 oed. Mae Menter Cyfoethogi Cwricwlwm Sir Ddinbych, mewn partneriaeth â Magic Light Productions, cwmni cynhyrchu theatrig Ogledd Cymru, sy'n cynhyrchu pantomeimiau, sioeau theatr a digwyddiadau ledled y DU, wedi dewis dros 350 o ddarnau celf, dylunio, ffotograffiaeth, ysgrifennu creadigol, hyd yn oed ‘Ryseitiau ‘smoothy’ hudol ac adolygiadau ‘TripAdvisor’. Bydd arddangosfa o'r gwaith yn cael ei chynnal ym Mhencadlys Cyngor Sir Ddinbych, Ffordd Wynnstay, Rhuthun, LL15 1YN, o 15 Mai tan 12 Gorffennaf 2019. Mae pob darn o waith ychwanegol wedi'i gatalogio'n ofalus ac maent hefyd ar gael i'w gweld.
“Nod yr arddangosfa hon yw dathlu gwaith plant mewn sefyllfa oriel realistig - lle mae gwaith pob plentyn yn cyfrif!”
“Mae'n ffordd wych o ddod â chymunedau o ysgolion at ei gilydd”.
“Mae plant wrth eu bodd yn dangos eu gwaith i athrawon, ffrindiau, rhieni a pherthnasau”.
Bob blwyddyn, ers 2014, mae Menter Cyfoethogi Cwricwlwm Sir Ddinbych wedi dod â chyffro Gŵylgyfoeth gyda thema gwahanol yn flynyddol i ysgolion, lle mae cystadlaethau, gweithdai, Trosfeddiannau a pherfformiadau arddangos gyda chynnwys er mwyn i blant a phobl ifanc ddysgu ar draws y cwricwlwm yn greadigol mewn ffyrdd newydd ac arloesol.
Dywedodd Cydlynydd Cyfoethogi Cwricwlwm Sir Ddinbych: - “Mae'r negeseuon sylfaenol yn Alys yng Ngwlad Hud yn ymwneud â thwf a datblygiad personol. Mae tyfu i fyny yn ymwneud â dysgu pwy ydym ni a'r hyn yr ydym yn sefyll drosto a'r hyn yr ydym am ei gyflawni mewn bywyd. Mae'n ymwneud â defnyddio ein talentau a dysgu i fod y gorau y gallwn ni fod”.
“Gall hyn fod yn stori i blant yn y galon ond gallwn ddysgu llawer gan ferch ifanc sy'n ennill yr hyder a'r dewrder i dorri'n rhydd o reolau i fod yr unigolyn mae hi'n dymuno bod”.
Felly ewch i'r arddangosfa a chael anturiaeth eich hunan fel Alys! Po fwyaf chwilfrydig ydych chi, y mwyaf y byddwch yn ei ddarganfod.
Alys yn Sir Ddinbych
Oriel Cath Sir Gaer: Arddangosfa Gwlad Hud
Pencadlys Cyngor Sir Ddinbych, Neuadd y Sir, Ffordd Wynnstay,
Rhuthun, LL15 1YN
15 Mai - 12 Gorffennaf 2019
Ar agor o Ddydd Llun i Ddydd Gwener, 08.30am-5.00pm, AM DDIM
MAY 2019
Alice in Denbighshire
The Cheshire Cat Gallery: Wonderland Exhibition
'Imagine a world where nothing is impossible'...
Tumble down the rabbit hole into Wonderland, an exhibition celebrating Lewis Carroll's timeless tale and explore how Alice’s adventures have inspired Denbighshire school children in the classroom throughout 2019.
Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland is one of the best-loved books in the world, full of fantastical characters, ridiculous riddles and inspired nonsense - and since its publication in 1865, it has enthralled generations of children and adults alike.
A staggering 1,552 entries were received across 7 competition categories, ranging from ages 5-14. Denbighshire Curriculum Enrichment initiative, in partnership with Magic Light Productions, a North Wales based theatrical production company, producing pantomimes, theatre shows and events across the UK, has selected over 350 pieces of art, design, photography, creative writing, even ‘Wonder-licious’ smoothie recipes and TripAdvisor reviews. An exhibition of the work will be held at Denbighshire County Council Headquarters, Wynnstay Road, Ruthin, LL15 1YN, from 15 May until 12 July 2019. All other entries have been carefully catalogued and are also available to view.
“This exhibition aims to celebrate the work of children in a gallery setting - where every child’s work counts!”
“It’s a fantastic way to bring school communities together”.
“Children love showing their work to teachers, friends, parents and relatives”.
Each year, since 2014, Denbighshire Curriculum Enrichment initiative has brought the excitement of an annual themed Enrichfest festival to schools, whereby competitions, workshops, Takeovers and showcase performances have engaged children and young people in learning across the curriculum creatively in new and innovative ways.
Denbighshire’s Curriculum Enrichment Co-ordinator said:- “The underlying messages in Alice in Wonderland are about personal growth and development. Growing up is about learning who we are and what we stand for and what we want to achieve in life. It’s about using our talents and learning to be the best we can be”.
“This may be a children’s story at heart but we can learn a great deal from a young girl who acquires the confidence and courage to break free from rules to become that person she aspires to be”.
So go along to the exhibition and have some Alice-like adventures of your own! The more curious you are, the more you’ll discover.
Alice in Denbighshire
The Cheshire Cat Gallery: Wonderland Exhibition
Denbighshire County Council HQ, County Hall, Wynnstay Road,
Ruthin, LL15 1YN
15 May-12 July 2019
Open Monday-Friday, 08.30am-5.00pm, FREE
Te Parti'r Hetiwr Gwallgof Sir Ddinbych
'Gwneud Gwallgofrwydd Hyfryd'
Denbighshire's Mad Hatter's Tea Party
'Making Marvellous Madness'
Oni fyddai’n hwyl bod mewn Te Parti efo’r Hetiwr Gwallgof, yn union fel Alys?
Dydd Mawrth 14 Mai 2019, gwahoddwyd un ar hugain o blant ysgol lwcus o Sir Ddinbych, hwythau oll yn enillwyr cystadlaethau eleni i ysgolion yng Ngwylgyfoeth 2019: Gwlad Hud, dan Orchymyn Brenhinol Frenhines y Calonnau, i Seremoni Wobrwyo Alys a ‘Golwg Preifat’ ‘Oriel Cath Sir Gaer’: Arddangosfa Gelf Gwlad Hud, ym Mhencadlys Cyngor Sir Ddinbych, Ffordd Wynnstay, Rhuthun, o flaen agoriad i’r cyhoedd yn swyddogol (15 Mai - 12 Gorffennaf 2019). Gorffenwyd y prynhawn efo Te Parti arbennig iawn gydag Alys, y Gwningen Wen, yr Hetiwr Gwallgof a'r Frenhines ei hun.
Wouldn’t it be fun to be at a Mad Hatter’s Tea Party, just like Alice?
On Tuesday 14 May 2019, twenty-one lucky Denbighshire school children, all prize-winners in this year’s Enrichfest 2019: Wonderland schools’ competitions, were invited, by Royal Decree of The Queen of Hearts, to an Alice Awards Ceremony and ‘Private View’ of The Cheshire Cat Gallery: Wonderland Exhibition, at Denbighshire County Council Headquarters, Wynnstay Road, Ruthin, before it officially opens (15 May-12 July 2019). The afternoon culminated in a very special tea party with Alice, the White Rabbit, the Mad Hatter and the Queen herself.
Yn ystod y prynhawn, cyfarfu'r plant ag Alys a’I dilyn ar lwybr hudol o amgylch yr adeilad, i weld dyluniadau gwisgoedd, coronau, rhigymau ysgrifenedig ar y muriau, Adolygiadau TripAdvisor wedi’i cyfansoddi gan y plant am y Wlad Hud, arddangosfa ffotograffiaeth a sgriptiau llwyfan ysgrifenedig. Daethant ar draws y Gwningen Wen (wrth iddo ruthro o gwmpas yn ddryslyd) ac ’roedd y prynhawn yn llawn hwyl ac antur!
Yn ddiweddarach, fe ganfu’r gwesteion ifanc Te Parti’r Hetiwr Gwalltgof ac eistedd wrth y bwrdd, gan wledda ar Frechdanau Diflanedigy Cath o Sir Gaer, teisennau bach Gwlad Hud, Teisennau Jam Frenhines y Calonnau a diod ‘Yfwch Fi’ Alys.
Wrth gwrs, ni fyddai Parti Te’r Hetiwr Gwallgof yn gyflawn heb rigymau anodd, triciau cardiau clyfar a fersiwn gerddorol ‘brenhinol’ o ‘musical chairs’
Wedi'i ysbrydoli gan Anturiaethau Alys yng Ngwlad Hud, ’doedd ‘Te Parti yr Hetiwr Gwallgof’ Menter Cyfoethogi Cwricwlwm Sir Ddinbych / Magic Light Productions i’w fethu, - nid oedd yr enillwyr lwcus hyn yn hwyr ar gyfer y dyddiad pwysig hwn: wrth iddynt fwynhau achlysur…
During the afternoon, the children met Alice and followed her on a magical trail around the building, as she's faced with dress design sketches, crown designs templates, riddles, magic potions, Wonderland TripAdvisor Reviews, photography displays and stage scripts. They came across a speedy (and very confused) White Rabbit and the afternoon was packed with lots of fun and adventure!
Later, the young guests stumbled upon The Mad Hatter’s Tea Party and pulled up a chair around the table, feasted on the Cheshire Cat’s Disappearing Sandwiches, Wacky Wonderland cupcakes, The Queen of Hearts’ Jam Tarts and sipped Alice’s ‘Drink Me’ Potion.
Of course, a Mad Hatter’s Tea Party wouldn’t be complete without some tricky riddles, flying card games and ‘Musical Kings and Queens’ (a mad-cap version of Musical Chairs).
Inspired by Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland, Denbighshire Curriculum Enrichment initiative / Magic Light Productions’ ‘Mad Hatters Tea Party’ wasn’t to be missed - so these lucky prize-winners weren’t late for this very important date: Top hats and teacups at the ready...
'The Magic of Wonderland'
Alys yn cwympo i Wonderland ac yn ymddangos yn Ysgolion Sir Ddinbych
On Tuesday 14 May 2019, twenty-one lucky Denbighshire school children, all prize-winners in this year’s Enrichfest 2019: Wonderland schools’ competitions, were invited, by Royal Decree of The Queen of Hearts, to an Alice Awards Ceremony and ‘Private View’ of The Cheshire Cat Gallery: Wonderland Exhibition, at Denbighshire County Council Headquarters, Wynnstay Road, Ruthin, before it officially opens (15 May-12 July 2019). The afternoon culminated in a very special tea party with Alice, the White Rabbit, the Mad Hatter and the Queen herself.
Alice tumbles into Wonderland and ‘pops-up’ in Denbighshire Schools
Dydd Mawrth 14 Mai 2019, gwahoddwyd un ar hugain o blant ysgol lwcus o Sir Ddinbych, hwythau oll yn enillwyr cystadlaethau eleni i ysgolion yng Ngwylgyfoeth 2019: Gwlad Hud, dan Orchymyn Brenhinol Frenhines y Calonnau, i Seremoni Wobrwyo Alys a ‘Golwg Preifat’ ‘Oriel Cath Sir Gaer’: Arddangosfa Gelf Gwlad Hud, ym Mhencadlys Cyngor Sir Ddinbych, Ffordd Wynnstay, Rhuthun, o flaen agoriad i’r cyhoedd yn swyddogol (15 Mai - 12 Gorffennaf 2019). Gorffenwyd y prynhawn efo Te Parti arbennig iawn gydag Alys, y Gwningen Wen, yr Hetiwr Gwallgof a'r Frenhines ei hun.
Yn llawn o gymeriadau lliwgar mewn gwisgoedd y cymeriadau, gyda hud a lledrith pypedau hyfryd, mae'r cynhyrchiad ‘pop-up’ hwn hefyd yn cynnwys darnau buddugol o waith plant ysgolion y Sir, wedi'u tynnu o’u ceisiadau yn ‘Sialens Cath Sir Gaer eleni. Mae'r stori hoff hon yn dod yn fyw ar y llwyfan wrth i Alys, un o arwyr mwyaf hoffus llenyddiaeth, gychwyn ar antur wallgof drwy'r byd rhyfeddol sydd yn Wonderland.
Gan ddefnyddio crefft llwyfan clyfar a phosibiliadau dychymyg diddiwedd, ysgrifennwyd a chyfarwyddwyd y cynhyrchiad llwyfan unigryw hwn, a gynlluniwyd ar gyfer ysgolion, gan Magic Light Productions, sef cwmni cynhyrchu theatrig o Ogledd Cymru, sy'n cynhyrchu pantomeimiau, sioeau theatr a digwyddiadau ar draws y DU ac mae'n cynnwys prif gymeriadau’r llyfr. Bydd y Cwningen Wen yno, gyda’i oriawr poced wrth law, yn rhuthro i ddod o hyd i fenig a ffan y Dduges. Bydd gan yr Hetiwr Gwallgof ecsentrig ddigon o rigymau a straeon i'w rhannu efo Alys, tra bod Cath Sir Gaer yn sicr o alw heibio o dro i dro i gael ychydig o sgwrs. Wrth gwrs, nid yw addasiad o stori Anturiaethau Alys yng Ngwlad Hud yn gyflawn heb y Frenhines y Calonnau sy’n anodd i’w phlesio a'i hoff ddywediad:- “Ymaith a’i phen!” Mae Alys yn llwyddo i gadw’n dawel ei meddwl yn y byd dryslyd hwn, tra'n addasu i'r her o dyfu’n fawr neu’n fach hyd wrth iddi geisio ei ffordd adref.
Mae'r sioe ‘pop up’panto / pypedau hwn yn sicr o ddiddanu ac apelio i ddychymyg disgyblion o bob oed.
Packed to the rafters with colourful characters in costume, magic and a dazzling array of beautifully constructed puppets, the pop-up production even incorporates Denbighshire school children’s very own prize-winning designs, drawn from entries in this year’s series of Cheshire Cat Challenge competitions. This much-loved timeless tale comes to life on stage as Alice, one of literature’s most beloved heroines, embarks on a madcap adventure through the peculiar world that is Wonderland.
Using clever stagecraft and limitless possibilities of imagination, this unique ‘pop-up’ stage production, designed for schools, has been written and directed by Magic Light Productions, a North Wales based theatrical production company, producing pantomimes, theatre shows and events across the UK and features the main characters from the book. The White Rabbit will be there, pocket watch in hand, rushing about to find the Duchess’ gloves and fan. The eccentric Mad Hatter will have plenty of riddles and stories to share with Alice, while the Cheshire Cat is sure to pop up from time to time to have a little chat. Of course, no adaptation of the Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland tale is complete without the boisterous hard to please Queen of Hearts and her trademark phrase “Off with her head!” Alice succeeds in keeping her cool through this confusing land, while adapting to the challenges presented by her ever-changing height and she is sure to find her way home.
This delightful ‘pop-up’ panto / puppet / show / sing-a-long production is guaranteed to entertain and capture the imagination of pupils of all ages.
APRIL 2019
Gwlad Hud yn dod â buddugoliaeth i ddisgyblion Sir Ddinbych
Mae disgyblion o Sir Ddinbych wedi cymryd rhan mewn saith o gystadlaethau cyffrous i ysgolion ar thema Alys yng Ngwlad Hud. Roedd y cystadlaethau wedi’u llunio o amgylch y cwricwlwm ac yn llawn hynodion cyffrous, hwyl hurt ac antur i ysbrydoli, addysgu a thyfu'r dychymyg.
Wonderland becomes Winnerland for Denbighshire pupils
Denbighshire pupils have taken part in seven exciting Alice in Wonderland themed schools’ competitions, designed with the curriculum in mind, full of thrilling curiosities, mad-cap fun and adventures, to inspire, educate and grow imaginations.
Mae disgyblion o Sir Ddinbych wedi cymryd rhan mewn saith o gystadlaethau cyffrous i ysgolion ar thema Alys yng Ngwlad Hud. Roedd y cystadlaethau wedi’u llunio o amgylch y cwricwlwm ac yn llawn hynodion cyffrous, hwyl hurt ac antur i ysbrydoli, addysgu a thyfu'r dychymyg.
Cofrestrodd 15 o ysgolion eleni ar gyfer Gŵylgyfoeth 2019 : Gwlad Hud, sef prosiect menter Cyfoethogi’r Cwricwlwm Sir Ddinbych, sydd eisoes wedi cynnwys ymweliadau thematig ysgolion, gan ddathlu Anturiaethau Alys yng Ngwlad Hyd gan Lewis Carroll a chystadlaethau.
Mae ysgolion bellach yn paratoi ar gyfer perfformiad theatrig teithiol sy'n torri tir newydd o’r enw ‘The Magic of Wonderland’, yn ogystal â gweithdai pypedau, yn eu hysgolion.
Fel rhan o Gystadlaethau Ysgolion – Heriau Cath Swydd Gaer, cyflwynodd plant a phobl ifanc rhwng 5 ac 14 oed ddyluniadau lliwgar a dyfeisgar o wisg Alys, brasluniau o goron y Frenhines Galonnau, posau’r Hetiwr Hurt, adolygiadau o’r Wlad Hud ar gyfer TripAdvisor, ryseitiau smwddis Te Parti, sgriptiau drama a ffotograffau arddull Fictoraidd.
Cyflwynwyd cyfanswm o 1,552 o geisiadau ar draws y 7 maes cystadlu.
Dyma’r enillwyr:-
Stepio Allan gyda Alys: O Fraslun i’r Llwyfan
Poppy, Blwyddyn 6, Ysgol Bodfari, Ger Dinbych
Coron Ogoneddus: Coron Blwyddyn Darganfod 2019
Mary Henderson, Blwyddyn 2, Ysgol Dewi Sant, Y Rhyl
‘Fframio Alys’: Dwyn i gof hud Ffotograffiaeth Portread Stiwdio o'r 19eg ganrif
Ben a Naraya, Blwyddyn 2, Ysgol y Parc, Dinbych
‘Yfwch Fi’ Siwper Smwddi Iach ‘Wonder-licious’
Poppy Jane Rose Tudor, Blwyddyn 5, Ysgol Stryd y Rhos, Rhuthun
Pos yr Hetiwr: Cystadleuaeth Barddoniaeth
Eleanor Burgess, Blwyddyn 2, Ysgol Fabanod Llanelwy
Wonderland ar TripAdvisor
Tomos Wynne, Blwyddyn 5, Ysgol Trefnant
‘Dilynwch y Gwningen’: ‘Sgrifennu o dudalen i lwyfan
Grace Griffiths, Blwyddyn 6, Ysgol Pendref
Cymerodd yr wyth enillydd gwobrau ran yn ‘Wonderland becomes Winnerland’ – Diwrnod Cynhyrchiad Theatr, gyda chwmni Magic Light Productions, yn Theatr Twm o’r Nant, Dinbych, ddydd Iau 11 Ebrill 2019, i weld eu dyluniadau buddugol yn cael eu trosglwyddo o’r papur i'r llwyfan ac yn dod yn fyw mewn cynhyrchiad theatrig o’r enw 'The Magic of Wonderland’, a fydd yn teithio o amgylch Ysgolion Sir Ddinbych ym mis Mai a mis Mehefin.
Mae’r tîm creadigol bellach yn brysur yn curadu Alys yn Sir Ddinbych – Oriel Cath Swydd Gaer, a fydd ymlaen o 15 Mai tan 19 Gorffennaf 2019 yn Neuadd y Sir, Ffordd Wynnstay, Rhuthun. Bydd yr arddangosfa hon yn un werth ei gweld ac ar agor i’r cyhoedd a bydd gwaith plant a fu'n cystadlu yn y gystadleuaeth eleni yn cael ei arddangos.
Prosiect a gynhelir gan Wasanaethau Addysg a Phlant Cyngor Sir Ddinbych yw Cyfoethogi’r Cwricwlwm Sir Ddinbych er mwyn gwella dysgu ymysg disgyblion ac i gefnogi pobl ifanc.
Denbighshire pupils have taken part in seven exciting Alice in Wonderland themed schools’ competitions, designed with the curriculum in mind, full of thrilling curiosities, mad-cap fun and adventures, to inspire, educate and grow imaginations.
A total of 15 schools signed up for this year’s Enrichfest 2019: Wonderland, Denbighshire Curriculum Enrichment initiative’s project, which has already featured themed school visits, celebrating Lewis Carroll’s Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland and competitions.
Schools are now getting revved up for a ground-breaking, touring ‘pop-up’ theatrical performance of The Magic of Wonderland, plus puppetry workshops, at their schools.
As part of the Cheshire Cat Challenges, children and young people aged between 5 and 14 submitted colourful and inventive Alice dress design entries, Queen of Hearts’ crown sketches, Mad Hatter riddles, Wonderland TripAdvisor reviews, Tea Party smoothie recipes, playwriting scripts and Victorian style photographs.
In total, 1,552 entries were submitted across the 7 competition areas.
The winners are:-
Stepping Out with Alice: From Sketch to Stage
Poppy, Year 6, Ysgol Bodfari, Near Denbigh
Crowning Glory: 2019 Year of Discovery Crown
Mary Henderson, Year 2, Ysgol Dewi Sant, Rhyl
Framing Alice: Recalling the magic of 19th century studio portrait photography
Ben & Naraya, Year 2, Ysgol y Parc, Denbigh
Drink me Wonder-licious Super-Healthy Smoothie
Poppy Jane Rose Tudor, Year 5, Rhos Street School, Ruthin
Mad Hatter’s Little Riddlers Poetry Competition
Eleanor Burgess, Year 2, St Asaph Infants
Wonderland on TripAdvisor
Tomos Wynne, Year 5, Ysgol Trefnant
Follow the Rabbit: Playwriting from page to stage
Grace Griffiths, Year 6, Ysgol Pendref
The eight prize winners took part in ‘Wonderland becomes Winnerland’ - a theatre production day, with Magic Light Productions, at Theatr Twm o’r Nant, Denbigh, on Thursday, 11 April 2019, to see their winning designs transferred from page to stage and brought to life in the theatrical production of ‘The Magic of Wonderland’, touring Denbighshire schools in May and June.
The creative team are now busily curating Alice in Denbighshire - The Cheshire Cat Gallery, which will be held from 15 May to 19 July 2019, at County Hall, Wynnstay Road, Ruthin. This ‘must-see’ exhibition will be open to the public and features children’s work drawn from entries in this year’s competition.
Denbighshire Curriculum Enrichment initiative is a project run by Denbighshire County Council’s Education and Children’s Services to enhance pupils’ learning and support young people.
'The Magic of Words' -
Hugan Fach Goch yn erbyn y Blaidd
Cafodd plant a phobl ifanc Sir Ddinbych gyfle i fod yn bypedwyr a storïwyr am fore yn Ysgol Uwchradd Dinbych yn ddiweddar, wrth iddynt ddylunio ac addurno pypedau hosan, mewn gweithdy yn seiliedig ar y chwedl werin draddodiadol, Hugan Fach Goch.
'The Magic of Words' -
Red Riding Hood versus the Wolf
Denbighshire children and young people became puppeteers and storytellers for a morning at Denbigh High School recently, when they designed and decorated sock puppets, in a workshop based on the traditional folk tale, Little Red Riding Hood.
Dyfeisiwyd 'Hud Geiriau: Hugan Fach Goch yn erbyn y Blaidd' gan fenter Cyfoethogi Cwricwlwm Sir Ddinbych, mewn partneriaeth â Magic Light Productions, cwmni cynhyrchu theatrig o Ogledd Cymru, sy'n cynhyrchu pantomeimiau, sioeau theatr, gweithdai a digwyddiadau ledled y DU, i ddathlu llwyddiannau rhagorol disgyblion Sir Ddinbych wrth ddarllen trwy gydol tymor y Gwanwyn, fel rhan o Fenter Mentora Darllen Sir Ddinbych, sydd bellach yn ei bumed flwyddyn lwyddiannus.
Daeth disgyblion o Ysgol Uwchradd Dinbych, Ysgol Tremeirchion, Ysgol Llanbedr, Ysgol Borthyn, Ysgol Pendref ac Ysgol Bodfari yn rhan o stori Little Red Riding Hood, gan actio cynhyrchiad bach gyda'u pypedau, rhannu anturiaethau’r ferch fach a dyfeisio cynllun i drechu'r blaidd.
Roedd y gweithdy yn rhyngweithiol, yn ddeniadol ac yn hwyliog drwy gydol yr amser, gan swyno plant ac oedolion fel ei gilydd.
“Rwy'n credu y gall pypedau fod yn wych, yn enwedig y rhai sy'n datblygu creadigrwydd plant ac yn caniatáu cyfleoedd i archwilio a dychymyg”.
“Mae pypedau yn hynod bwerus oherwydd eu bod yn caniatáu i blant fynegi yr hyn maent yn ei feddwl a’u teimladau. Maen nhw'n ffordd wych o gael plant i ymateb neu ymuno”.
“Mae Hud Geiriau yn syniad gwych ar gyfer cysylltu llenyddiaeth ag adrodd straeon ac mae'n cyfoethogi profiadau llenyddol plant”.
‘The Magic of Words: Red Riding Hood versus The Wolf’ was devised by Denbighshire Curriculum Enrichment initiative, in partnership with Magic Light Productions, a North Wales based theatrical production company, producing pantomimes, theatre shows, workshops and events across the UK, to celebrate Denbighshire pupils’ outstanding achievements in reading throughout the Spring term, as part of Denbighshire Reading Mentoring Initiative, now in its fifth successful year.
Pupils from Denbigh High School, Ysgol Tremeirchion, Ysgol Llanbedr, Ysgol Borthyn, Ysgol Pendref and Ysgol Bodfari became part of the Little Red Riding Hood story, acting out a mini production with their puppets, sharing Red’s adventures and devising a plan to defeat the wolf.
The workshop was interactive, engaging and fun throughout, captivating both children and adults alike.
“I think puppets can be wonderful, especially those that develop children's creativity and allow opportunities for exploration and imagination”.
“Puppets are incredibly powerful because they allow children to articulate thoughts and feelings. They’re a great way to get children to respond or join in”.
“The Magic of Words is a wonderful idea for linking literature with storytelling and really enriches children's literature experiences”.
'Fight or Flight': Ôl-gynhyrchu
Mae'r gwaith ‘goleuadau, camera, symud 'wedi'i gwblhau erbyn hyn, mae holl linellau'r actorion wedi cael eu cyflwyno, sgriptiau wedi eu dilyn, gwisgoedd wedi eu gwisgo, propiau wedi eu defnyddio ac amserlenni wedi eu dilyn. Mae gan wneuthurwyr ffilmiau ifanc Ysgol Uwchradd Gatholig y Bendigaid Edward Jones dâp cyfan o'u ffilm fer o'r enw ‘Fight or Flight’ yn y can ac maent wedi dechrau gweithio ar ran ôl-gynhyrchu'r prosiect cyffrous hwn.
Mae gwneuthurwyr ffilmiau proffesiynol o TAPE Community Music and Film yn helpu myfyrwyr yn Ysgol Uwchradd Gatholig y Bendigaid Edward Jones, Y Rhyl, gyda chefnogaeth arbenigol yn ystod y cyfnod ôl-gynhyrchu hanfodol bwysig fel rhan o’r broses gwneud 'Fight or Flight', prosiect a ysbrydolwyd gan Jimmy McGovern, awdur llwyddiannus BAFTA.
Gan ddefnyddio meddalwedd golygu ‘Premier Pro’ Adobe, mae myfyrwyr wedi cael eu dysgu sut i olygu eu ffilm fer, gan fwynhau mynediad llawn i gyfleusterau golygu arbenigol TAPE. Maen nhw wedi edrych trwy bob llun o'r ffilm i weld os oes angen unrhyw 'ail-weithio' neu ail ffilmio'arnynt. Mae'r ymarfer ymarferol hwn, er yn galed iawn,yn gyfle i gael hwyl efo’r gwaith I’r myfyrwyr a’r tiwtoriaid fel ei gilydd!
Mae disgyblion yn yr ysgol wedi cael cymorth trwy ddysgu drwy’r cyfan wrth ddysgu sgiliau ymarferol sy'n gysylltiedig â diwydiant ffilm mewn lleoliad dilys er mwyn eu helpu i wella fel gwneuthurwyr ffilmiau.
“Rwyf wedi dysgu cymaint am y diwydiant ffilm ac wedi mwynhau'r profiad yn fawr iawn”.
“Ffordd wych i fyfyrwyr ddefnyddio eu dychymyg. Maent yn awyddus i weithredu popeth maen nhw wedi'i ddysgu.
“Maen nhw wedi tynnu ar eu sgiliau digidol a llythrennedd i greu ffilm fer sy'n procio'r meddwl”.
Mae'r prosiect yn adeiladu ar wybodaeth a diddordebau pobl ifanc a gweithgareddau cyfryngau ar-lein megis YouTube, i ddatblygu a gwella eu sgiliau. Maent yn ysgrifennu gyda chynnyrch terfynol i anelu ato ac ymdeimlad ychwanegol o bwrpas, wrth i'w hymdrechion creadigol ddod yn fyw ar y sgrîn.
"Mae'r sgript a ysgrifennwyd gan y bobl ifanc yn anhygoel ac mae hyder rhai o'r myfyrwyr sy'n cymryd rhan wedi cynyddu cymaint, yn enwedig y rhai na fyddent fel arfer yn dod ymlaen I’r amlwg i wirfoddoli."
Rydym i gyd nawr yn edrych ymlaen at osod y r ‘Carped Goch’ i lawr ar gyfer y perfformiad cyntaf arbennig a gynhelir yn yr Ysgol yn Nhymor yr Haf 2019.
MARCH 2019
'Fight or Flight': Post Production
The ‘lights, camera, action’ work has now been completed, actors lines have all been delivered, scripts followed, costumes worn, props utilised and schedules obeyed. Blessed Edward Jones Catholic High School’s young filmmakers have a whole tape of their short film entitled ‘Fight or Flight’ in the can and have begun working on the post-production phase of this exciting project.
Professional filmmakers from TAPE Community Music and Film are helping students at Blessed Edward Jones Catholic High School, Rhyl, with specialist support in the crucial post-production phase of making ‘Fight or Flight’, a project inspired by BAFTA-winning writer, Jimmy McGovern.
Using Adobe’s ‘Premier Pro’ editing software, students have been taught how to edit their short film, enjoying full access to TAPE’s specialist editing facilities. They have looked through every take of the footage to see if it requires any ‘pickups’ or ‘reshoots’. This ‘hands-on’ and practical exercise, whilst very intensive, is also meant to be great fun for students and tutors alike!
Pupils at the school have been assisted through learning a whole range of practical film industry-related skills within an authentic setting to help them improve as film-makers.
“I have learnt so much about the film industry and thoroughly enjoyed the experience”.
“A brilliant way for students to put their imagination to use. They’re eager to implement everything they’ve learned.
“They’ve drawn on their digital and literacy skills to create a short, thought-provoking film”.
The project builds upon young people’s knowledge and interests and on-line media activities such YouTube, to develop and hone their skills. They’re writing with an end product to aim for and an added sense of purpose, as their creative endeavours are brought to life on screen.
"The script written by the young people is amazing and the confidence of some of the students taking part has increased so much, especially those who would not normally come forward and volunteer."
We’re all now looking forward to rolling out the ‘Red Carpet’ at a special premiere to take place at the School in the Summer term 2019.
Bydd ymweliadau i ysgolion Sir Ddinbych ar Ddydd Llyfrau Byd-eang yn dod â chyfaredd Gwlad Hud yn fyw
Mae Dydd Llyfrau Byd-eang bron wedi cyrraedd! – un o’r dyddiau mwyaf cyffrous y flwyddyn ysgol lle bydd llawer o hwyl,wrth i ddisgyblion wisgo fel cymeriadau llyfrau neu cael ail-edrych ar hoff lyfrau. Mae'n ddiwrnod i ganolbwyntio ar lyfrau a darllen a, gobeithio, meithrin digon o frwdfrydedd a chariad at lyfrau am flwyddyn arall.
Denbighshire World Book Day school visits really will make the magic of Wonderland come alive
World Book Day is almost here! - a much-loved day in the school year on which to have lots of fun, from dressing up as book characters to revisiting your favourite books. It’s a day to focus on books and reading and, hopefully, build up enough head of steam to keep a love of books going for another year.
I ddathlu Dydd Llyfrau Byd-eang 2019, ac i anfon ysgolion Sir Ddinbych ar y daith honno tuag caru darllen, mae menter Cyfoethogi Cwricwlwm Sir Ddinbych wedi dod ynghyd i gyd-weithio â Magic Light Productions, cynhyrchwyr pantomeimau a sioeau teuluol ledled y DU. Gyda'n gilydd, ’rydym yn gwahodd pymtheg o ysgolion o bob cwr o'r sir, sydd wedi 'ymuno' ar gyfer Gŵylgyfoeth 2019: Gwlad Hud eleni, i syrthio i lawr y twll cwningod i roi cipolwg cyffrous I mewn i Wlad Hud i ddisgyblion! Bydd Alice, y Gwningen Wen, hyd yn oed Frenhines y Calonnau ei hunan, yn ymweld â'r ysgolion, gan gyflwyno cyflenwad ‘frenhinol’ iawn o fisgedi ar gyfer y gystadleuaeth addurno “Frwydr y Teisennau?”. Cafodd y bisgedi arbennig siâp calon hyn eu darparu trwy garedigrwydd a threfniant nawdd unigryw gyda ‘The Pudding Compartment’, o’r Fflint, cwmni gwobrwyedig sy’n enwog am wneud pwdinau, cacennau a llu o bethau eraill blasus o safon uchel ar gyfer y diwydiant bwyty, caffi a thafarndai.
Cynhelir yr ymweliadau ‘themaidd ac atmosfferig’ hynod hyn, sy'n dathlu ‘Anturiaethau Alys yng Ngwlad Hud’ gan Lewis Carroll, Ddydd Mercher 13 a Dydd Iau 14 Mawrth 2019. Maent yn sicr o roi pleser mawr i blant ac oedolion wrth iddynt gynnwys cymeriadau o lyfr clasurol Lewis Carroll yn eu llawn-gwisgoedd. Mae'r ymweliadau Dydd Llyfrau yn ‘flâs’ o flaen perfformiadau theatrig ‘pop-up’ Magic Light Productions sy’n cyfleu cyfaredd y ‘Wlad Hud'. Bydd y perfformiadau hyn yn cymeryd lle yn ysgolion Sir Ddinbych trwy gydol tymor yr Haf 2019.
Gwahoddir anturiaethwyr ifanc Sir Ddinbych i gymryd y gwahoddiad hwn i archwilio’r Gwlad Hud a dod ochr wrth ochr i’w hoff cymeriadau o ‘Alys yng Ngwlad Hud’. Bydd dychymyg y plant yn rhedeg yn wyllt a rheswm yn cael ei roi i un ochr yn ystod yr ymweliadau ysgol anhygoel cyffrous hyn, gan wneud i ni gyd chwerthin fel fel Cathod Sir Gaer.
To celebrate World Book Day 2019, and to get Denbighshire schools going on that journey towards loving reading, Denbighshire Curriculum Enrichment initiative has teamed up with Magic Light Productions, producers of UK-wide pantomimes and family shows. Together, we’re inviting fifteen schools from across the county, who have ‘signed-up’ for this year’s Denbighshire Enrichfest 2019: Wonderland, to take a tumble down the rabbit hole and give pupils an exciting glimpse of Wonderland! Alice, the White Rabbit, even the Queen of Hearts herself will be visiting the schools, delivering her right royal batch of shortbread biscuits for the “Who Stole the Tarts?” schools’ biscuit decorating competition. These special heart-shaped biscuits are being provided courtesy of a unique sponsorship arrangement with ‘The Pudding Compartment’, Flint, the award-winning manufacturers of high quality puddings, cakes and cheesecakes for the restaurant, cafe and pub trade.
These ‘quirky’ themed and atmospheric school visits, celebrating Lewis Carroll’s Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland, will take place on Wednesday 13 and Thursday 14 March 2019. They are guaranteed to delight children and adults alike, as they will involve characters from Lewis Carroll’s classic book in full costume. These World Book Day visits are a ‘taster’ for the ‘pop-up’ theatrical performances by Magic Light Productions of ‘The Magic of Wonderland’ in Denbighshire schools throughout the Summer term 2019.
Young Denbighshire adventurers are invited to take up this invitation to explore Wonderland and to get up close to their favourite Alice in Wonderland characters. Young imaginations will run wild and logic abandoned in these fantastical, larger-than-life and exciting nonsensical school visits, leaving us all grinning like Cheshire cats.
Mae Ysgol Gatholig Bendigaid Edward Jones wedi'i drawsnewid yn stiwdio ffilm
Blessed Edward Jones Catholic High School transformed into film studio
Mae gwneuthurwyr ffilm ifanc mewn ysgol uwchradd yn Sir Ddinbych wedi trawsnewid eu hamgylchedd dysgu i stiwdio ffilm.
Mae disgyblion yn Ysgol Gatholig Bendigaid Edward Jones, y Rhyl, wedi bod yn cynhyrchu ac yn actio yn eu ffilm fechan newydd, ‘Fight or Flight’, a gafodd ei hysbrydoli gan yr ysgrifennydd sydd wedi ennill gwobr BAFTA, Jimmy McGovern.
Gyda chymorth menter Cyfoethogi Cwricwlwm Sir Ddinbych a Chymuned Gerddoriaeth a Ffilm TAPE, treuliodd y disgyblion dri diwrnod yn ffilmio yn yr ysgol.
Dywedodd Steve Swindon, Prif Swyddog Gweithredol Cymuned Gerddoriaeth a Ffilm TAPE ym Mae Colwyn: “Mae wedi bod yn wych gweld talent y disgyblion hyn. Mi ddylent fod yn falch iawn o'r gwaith arbennig y maent wedi’i wneud o flaen ac y tu ôl i'r camera.
“Rydym yn awyddus i ddatblygu ein cefnogaeth gynhwysol i’r diwydiannau creadigol o ran darparu criw cefn llwyfan cymwys a chrefftus, ac mae'r prosiect hwn wedi rhoi cipolwg i ddisgyblion o'r galw yn y diwydiant hwn.
Dysgodd y cast a chriw o blant a phobl ifanc rhwng 11 ac 16 oed am dechnegau cynhyrchu ffilmiau, swyddi y tu ôl i’r camera, dylunio gwisgoedd, rheoli, dosbarthiad a marchnata cynyrchiadau.
Ymunodd yr ysgol â’r ysgrifennydd teledu a ffilm llwyddiannus, Jimmy McGovern, ynghyd â Paul Higginson, Is-Lywydd Gweithredol EMEA Twentieth Century Fox a chyd-ddisgybl yn yr ysgol, i ysgrifennu a chynhyrchu Fight or Flight, sy'n archwilio materion pwysig sy'n wynebu plant a phobl ifanc heddiw, gan gynnwys hunanhyder, bwlio, delwedd y corff a chyfryngau cymdeithasol.
Dywedodd y Cynghorydd Huw Hilditch Roberts, Aelod Arweiniol Cyngor Sir Ddinbych dros Addysg, Plant a Phobl Ifanc: “Rwyf yn falch iawn bod y disgyblion wedi cael y cyfle i ddysgu gymaint am y diwydiant ffilm o’r prosiect hwn.
“Bwriad hyn yw ysbrydoli disgyblion a dangos yr opsiynau sydd ar gael o ran gyrfaoedd. Mae darparu cyngor a mentora gyrfaoedd effeithiol i bobl ifanc yn ogystal â rhoi cyfle iddynt ddatblygu sgiliau bywyd a gwaith yn flaenoriaeth i’r Cyngor.”
Byddwn yn dangos y ffilm am y tro cyntaf yn yr ysgol yn nhymor yr haf 2019.
Young filmmakers at a Denbighshire high school have transformed their learning environment into a film studio.
Students at Blessed Edward Jones Catholic High School, Rhyl, have been acting in and producing their short film, Fight or Flight, inspired by BAFTA-winning writer, Jimmy McGovern.
Along with the help of the Denbighshire Curriculum Enrichment initiative and TAPE Community Music and Film, students spent three days filming at the school.
Steve Swindon, CEO of Colwyn Bay-based TAPE Community Music and Film, said: “It has been fantastic to see how talented these pupils are. They have really done themselves proud and produced some amazing work in front and behind the camera.
“We are keen to develop our inclusive support for the creative industries in terms of providing a supply of skilled and trained backstage crew and this project has given pupils and insight into those industry demands.”
The cast and crew of 11-16 year olds learnt about film production techniques, behind-the-camera roles, costume design, production management, distribution and marketing.
The school teamed up with accomplished film and television writer, Jimmy McGovern as well as Paul Higginson, Executive Vice President EMEA for Twentieth Century Fox and a former pupil at the school, to write and create Fight or Flight, exploring important issues facing today’s teenagers, including self-esteem, bullying, body image and social media.
Cllr Huw Hilditch-Roberts, Denbighshire County Council’s lead member for Education, Children and Young People, said: “I’m delighted the pupils have had the chance to learn so much about the film industry from this project.
“This has been about inspiring students and showing them what career options are available. It is a priority for the Council to provide young people with effective career advice and mentoring as well as offering them the opportunity to develop skills for life and work.”
The film will be premiered at the school in the summer term 2019.
Mae cynhyrchu ffilmiau'n gydweithrediad - nid cyflawni’r weithred o ffilmio’n unig!
Yn ystod diwrnod blaen-gynhyrchu ffilmiau arbennig yn Ysgol Uwchradd Gatholig Bendigaid Edward Jones, Rhyl, Ddydd Mawrth 29 Ionawr 2019, cynlluniwyd ar gyfer prosiect ffilm fer, ‘Fight or Flight’ (teitl waith), a ysbrydolwyd gan yr awdur, Jimmy McGovern, sy’n enwog am iddo gael ei anrhydeddu gan BAFTA. Dyma ble dechreuodd yr hud i bawb– yn ystod y cyfnod paratoi, ymhell cyn i'r camera ddechrau ffilmio o ddifri ac i'r botwm "recordio" cael ei bwyso.
’Roedd y cyfnod cynllunio hwn yn gyfle i bawb osod gweledigaeth gyffredinol y prosiect i gynnwys gweithio allan pwy fyddai’r deugain o aelodau cast a chriw, pawb ohonynt o blith cymuned yr ysgol. Meddai Steve Swindon, Prif Swyddog Gweithredol, Cwmni Cerdd a Ffilm Cymunedol Tape:- “Mae'n gyfle gwych i bobl ifanc gymryd rhan ym mhob agwedd o’r broses o ffilmio sy’n cymryd eu diddordeb, gan gynnwys actio, gwaith camera, goleuo, sain, coluro, adeiladu offer ac effeithiau llwyfan theatrig, cerddoriaeth, a mwy”.
Meddai’r awdur sgrîn a chynhyrchydd ffilmiau, Andrew Turner:- “Dyma'ch ffilm chi, ffilm sy’n eiddo i bawb yn eich ysgol – mae gan pawb gyfle i fod yn rhan ohono.”
Drwy gydol y bore, gweithiodd Steve ac Andrew yn fedrus i gael y tîm cyfan at ei gilydd yn gyflawn. Cynhyrchwyd byrddau stori i greu braslun gweledol ar gyfer y ffilm; dechreuwyd ddylunio’r golygfeydd; gwelwyd steilyddion gwallt ac artistiaid coluro ar waith (gan gynnwys gwneuthuriad effeithiau arbennig a gwaith prosthetig) - pawb yn brysur i greu'r edrychiad cyffredinol ar gyfer y ffilm. Dechreuwyd ar y gwaith o benderfynu lleoliad effeithiau theatrig arbennig a gosodiad addurniadau ar y llwyfan; cafodd lleoliadau mewnol ac allanol eu trafod yn fywiog gan y tîm effeithiau arbennig. Daeth pawb i’r casgliad nad oes dim byd yn amhosibl yn y gwaith o wneud ffilmiau. Ar ddiwedd y sesiwn, paratowyd amserlen a rhannwyd y sgript fesul golygfa yn ôl gofynion lleoliad a chastio.
Felly, erbyn cyrraedd yr amser mae ein cyfarwyddwr ifanc yn gweiddi “gweithredu” ar gychwyn y ffilmio, ar y cyntaf o dri diwrnod yn yr ysgol (20-22 Chwefror 2019), byddant yn barod i wneud eu ffilm a dweud y stori maent am ei ddweud.
All of filmmaking is a collaboration - not just the shooting!
Blessed Edward Jones Catholic High School’s pre-production day on Tuesday 29 January 2019, is where all the planning took place for its short film project, ‘Fight or Flight’ (working title), inspired by BAFTA-winning writer, Jimmy McGovern, and where most of the magic happened – long before the camera was due to roll and the “record” button hit.
The planning phase set the overall vision of the project and included working out the forty cast and crew members, who are entirely drawn from the school’s community. Steve Swindon, CEO, Tape Community Music and Film said “It’s a fantastic opportunity for young people to get involved in whatever aspect of filming takes their interest, including acting, camera work, lighting, sound, props, make up, music and more.”
Tape’s screenwriter and filmmaker, Andrew Turner said “It’s your film, everyone’s film - everyone in your school has the chance to be part of it.”
Throughout the morning, Steve and Andrew skillfully worked to get the entire team rounded. Storyboards were produced to visually capture the essence of each scene’s action; young costume designers, hair stylists and makeup artists (including special effects and prosthetics) got busy creating the overall look for the film; on-set dressers started planning the placement of props and set decorations; interior and exterior locations were scouted for the shoot and lively discussions involving the special effects team concluded that nothing in movies is impossible. At the end of the session, a schedule had been prepared and the script divided into scenes by location and casting requirements.
So by the time our young director calls “action” on the first of three days’ filming at the school (20-22 February2019), they’ll be ready to make their movie and tell the story they want to tell.
Mae Sir Ddinbych yn cael ei sgubo gan gynnwrf holl Anturiaethau Alys yng Ngwlad Hud wrth i ysgolion ddathlu nofel Lewis Carroll
Trwy gydol y Gwanwyn a'r Haf 2019, bydd ysgolion o fewn awdurdod lleol Sir Ddinbych yn dathlu Anturiaethau Alys yng Ngwlad Hud, Lewis Carroll, mewn arddull addas a dyfeisgar.
Rhyfeddol ac yna’n fwy rhyfeddol...
Denbighshire gripped by Alice in Wonderland fever as schools celebrate Lewis Carroll novel
Throughout Spring and Summer 2019, schools within the local authority of Denbighshire will be celebrating Lewis Carroll’s Alice's Adventures in Wonderland, in suitably inventive and eccentric style.
Curiouser and Curiouser…
Mae Alys Lewis Carroll wedi bod yn hudoli cynulleidfaoedd ar draws y byd ers dros 150 o flynyddoedd ac mae'n sicr y bydd prosiect Gŵylgyfoeth 2019: Wonderland gan Fenter Cyfoethogi’r Cwricwlwm yn Sir Ddinbych yn llawn o ryfeddodau hwyliog ac anturiaethau, wedi'u cynllunio ar gyfer pawb, er mwyn ysbrydoli, addysgu a thyfu dychymyg...
Mae'r tîm artistig y tu ôl i ‘extravaganza’ creadigol eleni wedi cyfuno ‘Heriau Cath Sir Gaer’ - cystadlaethau cyffrous ar gyfer ysgolion - i herio a rhoi pleser ar yr un pryd. Bydd digon o gyfleoedd i blant gael defnyddio eu dychymyg yng nghwmni Alys, y Gwningen Wen a Frenhines y Calonnau.
Trwy gydol fis Mai a mis Mehefin 2019, bydd plant yn paratoi i wisgo eu gwisgoedd Alys yng Ngwlad Hud a thrawsnewid eu hysgolion i fod yn fyd anhygoel am ddiwrnod o adrodd straeon, pypedau a pherfformiadau theatrig 'pop-up', a gyflwynir gan Magic Light Productions, cwmni cynhyrchu theatrig o Ogledd Cymru, sy’n cynhyrchu pantomeimau, sioeau theatr a digwyddiadau ledled y DU. A pha ffordd well o ddathlu'r llyfr na chael cinio ysgol thema Alys, gan gynnwys bwydlen eclectig, wedi'i ysbrydoli gan gymeriadau a rhyfeddodau Anturiaethau Alys yng Ngwlad Hud!
Felly, paratowch i syrthio i lawr y twll cwningod a darganfod byd gwych a hudol Wonderland - byddwn ni i gyd yn gwennu fel cathod Sir Gaer!
Gŵylgyfoeth Sir Ddinbych 2019: Wonderland
16 Ionawr 2019 - 19 Gorffennaf 2019
Lewis Carroll’s Alice has been enchanting audiences across the world for over 150 years and Denbighshire Curriculum Enrichment initiative’s Enrichfest 2019: Wonderland project is guaranteed to be full of thrilling curiosities, mad-cap fun and adventures, designed for all, to inspire, educate and grow imaginations…
The artistic team behind this year’s creative extravaganza has conjured up ‘The Cheshire Cat’s Challenges’ - exciting schools’ competitions - to puzzle and delight. There will be plenty of opportunities where children will be able to let their imaginations run riot in the company of Alice, the White Rabbit and the Queen of Hearts.
Throughout May and June 2019, children will dust off their Alice in Wonderland costumes and transform their schools into a fantastical world for a day of storytelling, puppetry and live ‘pop-up’ theatrical performances, staged by Magic Light Productions, a North Wales theatrical production company, producing pantomimes, theatre shows and events across the UK. And what better way to celebrate the book than by having an Alice-themed school lunch, featuring an eclectic menu, inspired by characters and quirks from Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland!
So, get ready to tumble down the rabbit hole and discover the fantastical and magical world of Wonderland – we’ll all be grinning like Cheshire cats!
Denbighshire Enrichfest 2019: Wonderland
16 January 2019 - 19 July 2019
Disgyblion i wneud ffilm fer a ysbrydolwyd gan yr awdur ac enillydd BAFTA, Jimmy McGovern
Pupils to make short film inspired by BAFTA-winning writer, Jimmy McGovern
Mae tipyn o gyfaredd Hollywood yn dod i Ysgol Uwchradd Gatholig Y Bendigaid Edward Jones Ddydd Mawrth 22 Ionawr 2019, wrth i’r carped goch gael ei osod ar lawr i groesawu gwestai arbennig. Bydd Paul Higginson, Is-Lywydd Gweithredol EMEA , Twentieth Century Fox, a chyn-ddisgybl yn yr ysgol, yn cyflwyno sgwrs ar wneud ffilmiau creadigol, wrth iddo lansio prosiect ffilm fer ar y cyd â ‘Tape Community Music and Film’. Hwn fydd y darn olaf mewn rhaglen sgriptio sgrin a ddechreuodd ym mis Tachwedd 2017, pan ymwelodd Jimmy McGovern, awdur ffilm a theledu a’r Ysgol.
A touch of Hollywood-style glamour is coming to Blessed Edward Jones Catholic High School on Tuesday 22 January 2019, as it rolls out the red carpet for a high-profile guest. Paul Higginson, Executive Vice President EMEA for Twentieth Century Fox and former pupil at the school, will present a talk on creative filmmaking, as he launches a short film project in collaboration with Tape Community Music and Film. This will be the final piece of a screenwriting extravaganza which started in November 2017, when accomplished film and television writer, Jimmy McGovern, visited the school.
Yn dilyn cyfres o weithdai arloesol a rhyngweithiol o ysgrifennu creadigol a chreu stori a hwyluswyd gan ‘Tape Community Music and Film yn 2018, a diolch i gyllideb oddiwrth Gronfa Addysg Thomas Howell, Gogledd Cymru, bydd Ysgol Uwchradd Gatholig Bendigaid Edward Jones yn cael ei drawsnewid I fod yn stiwdio ffilm weithgar dros tri diwrnod ym mis Chwefror, wrth i ddisgyblion wneud ffilm fer, 'Fight or Flight'. I’w cynnwys ymysg y materion y bydd disgyblion yn eu harchwilio yn eu ffilm bydd hunan-barch, delwedd y corff a chyfryngau cymdeithasol.
Dywedodd Steve Swindon, Prif Swyddog Gweithredol, ‘Tape Community Music and Film ‘bydd y prosiect yn brofiad 'aml-gyfrwng' gyda llawer o rolau cyffrous i fyfyrwyr ar y sgrin ac y tu ôl i'r llenni. Bydd hwn yn gyfle gwych i bobl ifanc archwilio ffilmiau creadigol, bod yn rhan o brosiect ysgol gyfan ac archwilio cyfleoedd gyrfaol yn y diwydiant pwysig hwn. DOES DIM ANGEN UNRHYW BROFIAD O’R BLAEN - dim ond brwdfrydedd i gymryd rhan a rhannu eich syniadau creadigol".
Felly, bobl tref y Rhyl, byddwch yn barod i wisgo eich dillad gorau a gweld ffilm unigryw 'Fight or Flight' ym mis Ebrill 2019!
Following a series of innovative and interactive creative writing and storyboarding workshops facilitated by Tape Community Music and Film in 2018 and thanks to funding from the Thomas Howell’s Education Fund for North Wales, Blessed Edward Jones Catholic High School will be transformed into an industrious film studio over three days in February, as pupils shoot their short film, ‘Fight or Flight’. Self-esteem, body image and social media are just some of the issues pupils will explore in their film.
Steve Swindon, CEO, Tape Community Music and Film described the project as a ‘multi-media experience’… “There will be many exciting roles for students on screen and behind the scenes. This will be a wonderful opportunity for young people to explore creative filmmaking, be part of a whole school project and explore career opportunities in this growing industry. NO EXPERIENCE NECESSARY - just an enthusiasm to get involved and share your creative ideas.”
So, Rhyl, you’d better get your ball gowns and tuxedos ready for the exclusive film premiere of ‘Fight or Flight’ in April 2019!
Dosbarthiadau Meistr Celf Ysgolion Sir Ddinbych: llun o fywyd ansymudol, ond nid fel rydym wedi arfer gydag ef
Ym mis Hydref 2018, roedd disgyblion Ysgol y Castell, Ysgol Bro Dyfrdwy ac Ysgol Glan Clwyd wrth eu bodd wrth groesawu'r artist Cymreig enwog, Keith Bowen, i'w hysgolion, ar gyfer dosbarth meistr celf llawn. Dyma oedd y wobr am ennill Cystadleuaeth Celf Ysgolion Sir Ddinbych Syr Kyffin Williams 2018 - cystadleuaeth gelf fawreddog Sir Ddinbych ar gyfer disgyblion mewn ysgolion - wedi'i drefnu i goffáu 100 mlynedd ers geni Syr Kyffin Williams ym 1918.
Roedd hwn yn gyfle unigryw i fyfyrwyr cynradd ac uwchradd Sir Ddinbych ddatblygu agwedd gadarnhaol tuag at luniadu, trwy gael profiadau un wrth un gydag artist proffesiynol, lle gallent arsylwi, cael cyfle i ofyn cwestiynnau a rhyngweithio.
Arweiniodd Keith y rhai oedd yn cymeryd rhan yn fedrus drwy'r broses artistig i greu eu lluniau bywyd ansymudol eu hunain trwy adeiladu gosodiad unigryw yn yr ystafell ddosbarth o wrthrychau personol e.e. ‘driftwood’, caniau dŵr, bwcedi, brwsys, cynwysyddion, ffrwythau a llysiau tymhorol, blodau, dillad, esgidiau, rhubanau a ffabrig.
Ar ddechrau pob dosbarth meistr, dangosodd Keith dechnegau arlunio, cyn rhannu peth o'i waith. Yn fuan, datblygodd yr artistiaid ifanc ddealltwriaeth o'r hyn sy'n hanfodol mewn golygfa o bethau ansymudol trwy gymryd rhan mewn amrywiaeth o weithgareddau gwerthfawrogi celf fel y gallent edrych, ymateb a chymharu enghreifftiau o waith bywyd ansymudol.
Edrychodd y disgyblion ar y sgiliau sy'n gysylltiedig â darlunio arsylwi (llinellau a marciau, siâp a ffurf, tôn a gwead a phersbectif a chyfansoddiad) ac fe'u hanogwyd i arbrofi gydag ystod o gyfryngau (siarcol, pensiliau, pasteli a phastelau olew).
Datblygasant sgiliau darlunio trwy edrych am a chanfod syniadau trwy dasgau ffocws byr.
Yn olaf, creodd y myfyrwyr galeri o’u darnau celf.
Roedd brwdfrydedd a angerdd ddiddiwedd Keith Bowen ar gyfer celf yn sicrhau fod y myfyrwyr wedi cael diwrnod ysbrydoledig i gofio.
Denbighshire Schools’ Art Masterclasses: still life, but not as we know it
In October 2018, pupils at Ysgol y Castell, Ysgol Bro Dyfrdwy and Ysgol Glan Clwyd were delighted to welcome renowned Welsh artist, Keith Bowen, to their schools, for a full day art masterclass. This was their prize for winning the Sir Kyffin Williams Denbighshire Schools’ Art Competition 2018 – Denbighshire’s prestigious art competition for pupils in schools - organised to commemorate the 100th anniversary since the birth of Sir Kyffin Williams in 1918.
This was a unique opportunity for Denbighshire primary and secondary students to develop a positive attitude towards drawing, by having first hand experiences with a professional artist, where they could observe, question and interact.
Keith skillfully guided participants through the artistic process to create their own still life by constructing a unique installation in the classroom from personal objects e.g. driftwood, watering cans, buckets, brushes, containers, seasonal fruits and vegetables, flowers, garments, footwear, ribbons and fabric.
At the start of each masterclass, Keith demonstrated drawing techniques and shared some of his work. The young artists soon developed an understanding of what still life is by partaking in a variety of art appreciation activities, so that they could look, respond and compare examples of still life work.
Pupils explored the skills associated with observational drawing (lines and marks, shape and form, tone and texture and perspective and composition) and were encouraged to experiment with a range of media (charcoal, pencils, pastels and oil pastels).
They developed drawing skills through exploring and drawing ideas through short focused tasks.
Finally, the students created their own still life piece of art work gallery.
Keith Bowen’s endless enthusiasm and passion for art guaranteed the students a truly inspirational day to remember.